By Stephen Owsinski We are finally starting to see why the boisterous defund-the-police movement pulleyed by the liberal party is one of their latest demises. Synonymously, we revisit the respect and adoration sincerely shared by the majority of Americans heralding public safety and constitutional promise upheld by justice officials laying all on the line. Radicals Read more »
By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D We often hear the rhetoric of war. How easy it is to send our men and women into harm’s way to another place where we do not have to hear the sounds of combat or breathe the foul air in a distant land. While politicians debate the reasons and Read more »
By Stephen Owsinski Although much of the news lately has been concentrated on the “red wave” in the political arena, there is a blue wave going on—and we do not necessarily mean the liberal party factions. To the contrary, the blue wave ordinarily associated with political realms notoriously chanting anti-police sentiments with a fanged push Read more »
By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D The recent Supreme Court decision in Bond v. City of Tahlequah that was informed, in part, by a brief from the National Police Association, speaks to the issue of qualified immunity in several important ways. One regards quantum physics, another politics. In case you missed it, the case involves Read more »
By Stephen Owsinski It’s happening. The proverbial pendulum is swinging back to constitutional consensus we value as public safety. A standout indicator stems from a ballot item placed in the hearts and souls of citizens of Minneapolis, Minnesota. In a not-too-close-to-call statistical outcome, Minneapolis residents voted favorably for its cops…denying a wrecking ball to its Read more »
By Steve Pomper There may finally some reason to hope for a change in the treatment of law enforcement officers across America is imminent. First, there was the stunning Republican upset sweep of three major state offices in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Despite Democrat Terry McAuliffe being a former Virginia governor, Democrat Joe Biden winning the Read more »
By Steve Pomper Every law enforcement officer and lucid mind in America knew the defund-the-police movement was foolish. There was no question it would not work and would make things worse. In a recent front-page story in the Epoch Times, reporter Cara Ding highlights mayors increasing their budgets for the nation’s three largest police departments: the New York Read more »
By Stephen Owsinski The old catchphrase “Crime doesn’t pay” is being boldly contradicted by the liberal party’s usual catering to and coddling of illicit feats. Now, they are considering compensating illegal immigrants with a whopping $450,000! Of your tax dollars! This is the latest in legendary lunacy officiated by the liberal faction playing political chicken Read more »
By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D At a recent judge’s conference, a high-level justice cautioned his audience of judges to be careful about making open court opinion statements about a police officer’s credibility or competence. For this appellate judge to make this aside in the midst of a presentation is an indicator of the apparent Read more »
By Stephen Owsinski It is certainly difficult to determine where we are going to wind up in American society and the elbowing by anti-police organisms against our nation’s public safety pros feverishly trying to safeguard those who cherish life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, Way too much needless erosion of our public safety pact Read more »