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Back to Fighting Crime

By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D Perhaps no more optimistic harbinger of the end of the pendulum swing of anti-police sentiment is NYPD’s decision to change the slogan on their marked patrol cars from “Courtesy, Professionalism, Respect” to “Fighting Crime, Protecting The Public.” Hallelujah! Why is that a big deal? Because the policing profession needs Read more »

Secrets of Highway Safety

By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D Have you bought a federally regulated gas can lately? The required safety features seem to include the inability to actually get gasoline poured from it. It takes more machinations than an arthritic trying to open the bottle to their pain pills.  We can complain about the government being a Read more »

March Madness isn’t Just for Basketball

By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D Yes that magical time of the smell of refreshing rains, the chirping of birds returning to the budding trees, and tender flowers pushing their way through the thawing soil. It’s also time for gang members to pick up some extra cash for not committing crime. Of  course they have Read more »

Community Protests Opioid Clinic “Rammed Down Our Throats”

By Steve Pomper Alderwood residents outraged at company attempting to locate opioid clinic into building near Little League fields and Boys & Girls Club An opiod clinic just opened in the Alderwood neighborhood of Lynnwood, WA. a suburb north of Seattle. It seems that everyone opposed to Acadia Healthcare’s apparent stealthy ramming of an opioid treatment center near Read more »

Police Memorials and the Artisans Who Give Them Life

By Stephen Owsinski It is a bittersweet testament that many newer police memorials tributing our fallen law enforcement officers were emplaced during an unprecedented wave of historic statues being fastidiously toppled all around our nation. In many ways, times and national tempo have drastically changed which, by virtue of public safety vows, increased societal perils Read more »

National Police Association Launches Public Service Announcement Illustrating that ‘Police Reform’ Means Taking Law Enforcement out of Policing

  (Indianapolis, IN) When politicians talk about ‘reimagining policing’ or ‘police reform’ or ‘criminal justice reform’, there is no mystery as to what they mean. They mean taking law enforcement out of policing. In this police dashcam video obtained via a public records request from the Washington State Patrol, an officer tries to stop a Read more »

Like Cops, Should School Teachers Have to Pass a Psychological Test to be Hired?

By Steve Pomper   Elementary School Classroom (File) The NPA’s own Sgt. Betsy Brantner Smith (Ret.) recently noted on Twitter, “Perhaps it’s time for teachers…like cops, firefighters and military recruits…to successfully pass a psychological test before they are hired.” It seems odd that they don’t, right? But, with the powerful teachers’ unions, that’s not going to happen Read more »

Communist China Establishes Police Station on U.S. Soil

By Steve Pomper   I was at my local coffee shop, chatting with a local cop buddy, when I mentioned a story I’d read about China setting up local police stations in foreign countries—including the United States. His look of disbelief told me I should at least get this on cop’s and supporters’ radar screens. With Read more »