By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D Beyond the headlines, every October when the FBI releases its annual report on crime in America is real information that should be used in developing criminal justice policy. While there is a sense that crime is on the rise, resulting in greater fear among the public, we need to Read more »
By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D Each October the FBI releases its annual crime report, known as the UCR. It may not tell us as much as we think. The main benefit of the Uniform Crime Report is the year to year comparison since 1930. While the UCR statistics can be an important barometer of Read more »
INDIANAPOLIS, October 29, 2023 –In a friend-of-the-court brief filed with the Maryland Supreme Court, the National Police Association argued that qualified immunity, applied properly, should be granted to a Maryland police officer who used deadly force against an armed suspect during a standoff that ensued from a routine warrant execution. The NPA contends that the Read more »
By Stephen Owsinski I started seeing more posts from police organizations heralding their officers for staying the course, for dutifully braving the frontlines in the incendiary face of anarchy and malevolence beefed up by antithetical government policies and putrid anti-police messaging. This material is not only to honor those cops who attended a roll call Read more »
By Doug Wyllie The Honorable Bruce Hilton presently serves as Assistant Presiding Circuit Judge for Division 13 of the 21st Circuit Civil and Criminal Court in St. Louis County, Missouri. We’re absolutely certain of every last word of that sentence—we looked it up—with the exception of one important element: we’re still undecided—and leaning in the Read more »
By Steve Pomper What is constitutional policing? The concept may sound daunting, but it’s really simple. It’s coppin’ with American liberty—and everything that represents—uppermost in mind. In my first book, I wrote about a Dutch cop who did a ride-along with us. My partner and I were discussing whether we should stop a driver we saw Read more »
By Stephen Owsinski One other advantage of body-worn cameras (BWCs) used by law enforcement officers for varying purposes is the unique ability to be a vicarious spectator witnessing major police actions unfold…and all the supersensory stimuli that go with it. Such a hair-raising scene experienced by law enforcement officers is the mobile police pursuit whereby Read more »
By Stephen Owsinski The annual Faith and Blue weekend transpired recently, with community members and the clergy meeting and praying over cops and forging formidable bonds. Among many just like it, the following gratitude for cops’ blessings was published by the Whittier Police Department crimefighters: “Happy Faith and Blue Weekend! We are thankful to all Read more »
By Doug Wyllie DaSean Jones is an elected judge presently presiding over the 180th Criminal State District Court in Harris County, Texas. In the 2018 general election, Jones—a member of the Houston Democratic Socialists of America (DSA)—defeated incumbent Republican Catherine Evans by a tally of roughly 54 to 46 percent. In a hotly contested 2022 Read more »
By Steve Pomper Jim Glennon: “In 1970, 12% of the population was considered obese. By 2016, that number rose to 37% based on the… same criteria.” I wanted to revisit a question. Is it that cops don’t want to do the job? No. That’s not it. Is it that they can’t do the job because officials Read more »