Challenge Coins and the Lore of Law Enforcement Tokens

Challenge Coins and the Lore of Law Enforcement Tokens

By Stephen Owsinski Just as the branches of the United States military grant a multitude of challenge coins honoring those who serve, so do law enforcement agencies gift the tokens of stewardship to cops. Similar to police personnel exchanging shoulder patches as a gesture of recognizing each other doing The Job and all it entails, Read more »

Police Reports: Simultaneously Mundane and Critical

By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D No candidate for a police job answers the question of why they want to become a law enforcement officer by saying they really love filling out forms and writing reports. The satisfaction that comes from catching bad guys, intervening in a crisis, and helping the helpless is the meat Read more »

Chiefs on Beats

By Stephen Owsinski You might think it is not too often that you see the police chief on the beat, but it does occur, even on midnight shifts. As one might expect, it does a world of good for patrol officers seeing their CEO of cops taking calls and clicking cuffs on bad actors. What Read more »

Voters Concerned About Crime Re-Elect Anti-Police Politicians

By Steve Pomper Washington D.C. ‘Defund the Police’ mural They say (yes, those they) people will get the law enforcement they deserve. This analysis refers to voters who keep electing candidates who work against their public safety interests but find themselves mystified that crime is getting worse. Curiously, with crime increasing at alarming rates, voters in many Read more »

Cops Help People; People Help Cops: Citizenship 101

By Steve Pomper        LVMPD Officers on Nevada Law Enforcement Appreciation Day 2020 I read a report and saw a video on Twitter the other day about police officers rescuing people from a flash flood in California. While the officers, who appeared fit, could navigate the raging knee-high water cascading down the slick street, a woman Read more »