By Stephen Owsinski As a retired policeman, I often ponder about certain calls and the people who are stuck in my mind, wondering where they are today and how they are doing. It is like that for first responders whose duty is to save lives and go to the next call, not having adequate time Read more »
By Stephen Owsinski Signs of police support are across the sides of buildings, on roadside billboards, and just about anywhere a huge banner can fit…and it is inspiring. Our cover photo depicts a newly erected billboard attesting to the embrace of Seattle, Washington first responders. A spokesperson for the Seattle Police Foundation posted this about Read more »
By Stephen Owsinski With all the ongoing legacy media being rightly criticized for biased journalism, for openly barking falsities about those who serve in the law enforcement community, it is befitting to highlight those reporters who pillar police work and the heroes who carry it out against all odds. On January 5, 2024, the New Read more »
By Stephen Owsinski Of the 850,000 or so law enforcement officers serving a U.S. population of approximately 330 million in an anti-police climate rife with hatred and vile behavior toward cops, it would seem nearly impossible to nominate a small cadre of cops for outstanding police work…but the National Law Enforcement Officers Hall of Fame Read more »
By Stephen Owsinski The law enforcement profession is made more effective with the introduction and varied applications of certified service canines in police work. The bonds between badges shared by canine and handler are unbreakable, and when one is downed in the line of duty, pictures paint heartfelt sentiments and ensuing grief. Albeit bittersweet, it Read more »
By Stephen Owsinski The anti-police movement is inescapable for everyone, especially America’s law enforcement officers confronting the evils of society while also being hounded by negativistic mouthpieces chanting the abolition of public safety heroes. As antithetical as it gets. As is customary in law enforcement circles, for good and bad duty days, positive reinforcement is Read more »
By Stephen Owsinski Every time I realize another police canine is gifted life-saving ballistic vests sponsored by the National Police Association —made possible thanks to the patronage of pro-police subscribers’ generosity and caring hearts— I am contented knowing they fight the good fight with protective barriers on their bodies. Generally, it is larger law enforcement Read more »
By Stephen Owsinski I started seeing more posts from police organizations heralding their officers for staying the course, for dutifully braving the frontlines in the incendiary face of anarchy and malevolence beefed up by antithetical government policies and putrid anti-police messaging. This material is not only to honor those cops who attended a roll call Read more »
By Stephen Owsinski One of the most stress-inducing and soul-tormenting occupations in the world is performed by people we hear and hardly ever see: 911 operators/dispatchers. When our respective worlds upend, and we are in dire need of help, 911 operators heed the call, literally and logistically. These are the professionals who we don’t necessarily Read more »
By Stephen Owsinski Given all the grief we have seen with so-called prosecutors handing out antithetical liberties to law violators who victimize innocents, it is refreshing and reassuring to know prosecutors in law-and-order jurisdictions stand with victims, partner with law enforcement, and prosecute cases built by cops. Recently, my county’s sheriff publicly praised our Judicial Read more »