More Serious Criminals Receiving More Light Sentences

More Serious Criminals Receiving More Light Sentences

(Photo: Bob Jagendorf Creative Commons) By Steve Pomper  I was an officer on one of Washington State’s first (it may have been the first) “Three Strikes law” (a 1993 voter-passed initiative) court cases. The law required that after a person is convicted for a third (qualifying) violent felony, which he was, it’s off to the hoosegow Read more »

The Criminal Calculus

By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D The head of the New York State Assembly is a good example of today’s progressive crime philosophy as it progresses in the wrong direction. Carl Heastie is Speaker and is described by commentator Steve Pomper in a recent NPA article as rejecting the fundamental idea that laws can change Read more »

Praying for the Protection of Law Enforcement Heroes

By Stephen Owsinski The way our society is nowadays, with cops increasingly in the crosshairs of maniacs brazenly launching cold-blooded killings, laying hands on law enforcement officers, and persistently praying over their lives is always paramount. In the small space of a few days, several heinous murders of uniformed police officers have shaken us to Read more »