By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D As a writer on law enforcement issues, I get almost daily notices of officers killed, injured, or being prosecuted in the line of duty. Many of those announcements include the request for “thoughts and prayers”, and the occasional “vibe”. Some organizations have dropped the “prayers” part in order not Read more »
By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D With murder rates spiking and fear of crime growing across the country, there is some good news and bad news about the role of teenage offenders. According to a Department of Justice report recently released, violent crime among youth has declined from previous levels. Juvenile arrests for violence peaked Read more »
By Stephen Owsinski Ever gaze upon a very old photo and ponder: My, how far we’ve come along? Those moments usually give rise to smiles in silent repose. Sometimes, though, the opposite comes true. Ask any cop… Black and white photos depict a bygone era when those who did wrong knew it, attested their guilt, Read more »
The National Police Association is announcing a $5,000 reward for information leading to the identification, arrest, and conviction of the individual responsible for shooting Harris County, TX Precinct 3 Constable Deputy Omar Ursin. Deputy Ursin was shot and killed Sunday, August 28, 2022 at approximately 6:30 pm. Deputy Ursin was off duty and was driving Read more »
By Steve Pomper Does Law Enforcement Need to Be Reformed Just Because Radicals Don’t Like It? No! It’s leftist “police reform” that needs reforming. But it’s tough when even good guys like Senator Tim Scott concede the language to the radicals by adopting the term “police reform.” We should not surrender any terminology to the radical left. Read more »
By Steve Pomper I try to vary the topics and people I address here to keep things fresh for NPA’s supportive and discerning readers. And though I wrote an article only a few weeks ago involving The Seattle Times’ police critic Mike Carter’s contributions to the “Blueprint for De-Policing,” he’s at it again—So… so am I. I Read more »
By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D There are plenty of occupations that aren’t on a 9-5 schedule, but America still seems to run on the assumption that weekends exist and summertime is for relaxing. Here are some things that your police officers have been doing in the dog days of August. In Indiana, K9 handler Read more »
By Stephen Owsinski Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has introduced a plan to hire retired law enforcement officers to help mitigate the growing shortage of teachers in the Sunshine State. Offering sign-on bonuses of $4,000 and workable ways for police retirees to attain requisite teacher certifications, Governor DeSantis hopes to employ former crime fighters in classrooms, Read more »
By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D An alert campus police officer noticed a clear 2-liter bottle containing an unknown liquid in the stadium parking lot filled with cars from attendees of a football game. The area was the primary route for pedestrians leaving the game that was ending just a short time after the officer Read more »
By Steve Pomper The insults against America’s cops keep on coming. This one from New York State comes in the form of what was to be a ban on off-duty officers carrying firearms at the New York State Fair in Albany. An even more insulting irony will occur on Aug. 29th, which, according to the Read more »