By Stephen Owsinski An intriguing statistic generated by the Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates that during the span of March 2020 thru March 2021, roughly 11,000 law enforcement officers departed the police profession. As a litany of reports have shown, such a heavy cleave of cops is implicitly associated with the boisterous and unrelenting anti-police Read more »
By Steve Pomper How many times can police say, “Here we go again?” I don’t think a day passes where a prosecutor somewhere doesn’t charge a cop with murder for doing his or her job. We all know about George Soros’ posse of non-prosecutors proliferating across America. We’ve seen the destruction of justice wrought by his Read more »
The grant was awarded to assist with the development of the department’s K9 program. The program will help with youth education about law enforcement and narcotics abuse. Linn is home to State Technical College and is the county seat of Osage County, Missouri.
By Steve Pomper A literal mass of humanity appears to be wending its way toward America’s southern border. FOX News reports, “Panama warns 60K Haitian migrants heading to US.” According to reporter Jeff Paul, “Panama says Biden was warned of the migrant surge.” So, what do people like Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas Read more »
By Stephen Owsinski The latest spate of law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty included a deputy with the Nassau County Sheriff’s Office in the northeast portion of Florida, where Atlantic Ocean seawater baths beachgoers and public safety officers ensure everyone’s sanctity despite grave risks to themselves. On September 24, 2021, Deputy Joshua Read more »
By Steve Pomper Many law enforcement officers are being overcharged or falsely charged with policy violations and, worse, crimes. Suspects are engaging in bad behavior and too many cops are being held responsible for those behaviors. But officers must make sure they don’t become their own worst enemies. A major reason is because anti-police politicians Read more »
By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D In one of the many ill-conceived knee jerk proposals that arose out of the death of George Floyd, the shouts of “somebody should do something!” immediately attracted the attention of Congress. Legislation introduced by Karen Bass, whose achievements include calling for a mental health evaluation of Donald Trump during Read more »
By Steve Pomper Organizations, institutions, and government officials hundreds and even thousands of miles from Minneapolis cut ties with their police or pushed to defund or abolish the cops, because of one incident where a convicted felon strung out on fentanyl died in police custody. For the University of Minnesota, at least it had happened in Read more »
By Stephen Owsinski Among the batch of titles mulled for this latest atrocity against law enforcement, the one you just read is perhaps an understatement, given the overwhelming duties they perform against all odds. Where does one begin to attempt to unpack the ridiculous nature of the current presidency and his underlings toeing the line Read more »
Chicago Alderman Silvana Tabares has introduced an ordinance to arm the city with the power to charge the COWARDS who deface memorials for fallen police officers with punishments up to 6 months in jail. As fallen police officers protected Chicago, Chicago can protect their memory if this ordinance passes. If you are a Chicago resident Read more »