By Steve Pomper Mike Solan, president of the Seattle Police Officers Guild, according to KING 5 News, has announced that, after Monday Oct. 18th, Mayor Jenny Durkan will not immediately fire police officers who have refused, in opposition to a city mandate, to provide the city with private medical records documenting they have received the mRNA Read more »
By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D It may sound like a James Bond movie title, but it is a reality faced by every police officer in America. With 360 law enforcement deaths as of this writing in 2021, by year’s end, we will have seen a particularly deadly year for our officers. The average citizen, Read more »
John Scanlon proudly served in Vietnam and as a paramedic for North Memorial Hospital before serving as an officer for the Robbinsdale Police Department in MN. A burglary in the early hours of Valentines Day, resulted in John being executed while sitting in his squad – by the very suspect they were searching for. John Read more »
By Stephen Owsinski It’s not every day that law enforcement officers get to receive kudos for phenomenal police work, and that is certainly not why courageous people enter the perilous business of public safety. Given its decentralized infrastructure, the roughly 18, 500 law enforcement entities spanning the U.S. chronicle life-saving feats and dividends thereof on Read more »
By Steve Pomper A porous U.S.-Mexico border affects law enforcement officers in two ways—at least. It affects federal cops and their state and local partners working the insanity at the border. Then it also affects state and local law enforcement officers as the illegal immigrants, within which criminals hide, flow into various communities across the United Read more »
By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D Those critics of law enforcement’s use of force like to make claims about how gun happy cops are. Here are some of their claims that are patently false: All you have to do is say that you feared for your life to justify shooting someone. There are two legal Read more »
By Stephen Owsinski Alarmingly, the once-battened border security policy instituted by the current White House occupier’s predecessor continues to unravel and spiral out of control while nap time lapses longer at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue (or its origami version), allowing unceasing gobs of unvetted migrants to enter the country illegally. Thanks to the come one, come Read more »
By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D A subtle subset of the defund the police movement is efforts to defang the police by reducing the types of weapons available to them. During a recent decommissioning of a park police program in Chicago Heights, a suburb of Chicago, Mayor David Gonzalez shocked to find rifles in law Read more »
Fill out the information below to send a message directly to your representative and senators. Ask your congressional representatives to protect those who protect us by supporting the Thin Blue Line Act. This legislation will provide local and state law enforcement officers the same protection and support currently provided to federal officers—acting as a deterrent Read more »
By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D Among the tragic after-effects of the anti-police movement is an increase in PTSD in police officers. The number of Minnesota police officers applying for PTSD disability had tripled over the past fiscal year. Observers will cite changes in the state’s laws as a cause, but there can be no Read more »