Lawsuits Drive Training and Policy

Lawsuits Drive Training and Policy

By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D The professionalization of law enforcement became solidified in the 1970s when U.S. states developed certification standards for police officers. Some were active before then and some states took longer. The minimum academy training hours vary widely with standards for hiring generally up to each individual agency. The reason for Read more »

Posted in Law

Laser-Focused Cops Stop Speeders

By Stephen Owsinski It is an everyday occurrence that some motorists are seemingly oblivious to Speed Limit signs. Whether it be due to distracted driving, tardiness, or whatever other unjustified reason…speed kills! That is why law enforcement officers train in using speed detection devices (“radar guns”) that have a pinpoint laser-focused dot in the reticle, Read more »

Signs of Support for First Responders

By Stephen Owsinski Signs of police support are across the sides of buildings, on roadside billboards, and just about anywhere a huge banner can fit…and it is inspiring. Our cover photo depicts a newly erected billboard attesting to the embrace of Seattle, Washington first responders. A spokesperson for the Seattle Police Foundation posted this about Read more »

Birds-Eye View of Bad Actors on the Run from Cops

By Stephen Owsinski There are several ways for law enforcement officers to catch bad actors. But when they are on the run, in motor vehicles, recklessly coursing through streets and parking lots, it is optimal for the police agency’s Aviation Unit cops to hover overhead and maintain a birds-eye view, calling out plays like a Read more »

Safeguarding the Public in Unsafe Conditions

By Stephen Owsinski With inclement weather heavily in the headlines lately, the nation’s public safety professionals are out there doing their darndest to safeguard motorists navigating nature’s treacherous droppings such as snow, ice, and rain…creating unsafe conditions on highways and byways. Some police cruisers aiding crash victims and stranded drivers find themselves in harm’s way, Read more »