Politician Shows What Not to Do When Pulled Over

Politician Shows What Not to Do When Pulled Over

By Steve Pomper  Police Traffic Stop (Photo: versageek, creative commons) In keeping with the NPA’s mission to educate the public about what cops do and why they do it, here’s yet another example of what not to do on a traffic stop, generously provided by one of America’s principled public servants. This avoidable traffic kerfuffle happened Read more »

Beware the “Gotcha” Question

By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D I was listening to an interview on a local NPR-affiliated radio broadcast about the Aurora, CO case of Elijah McClain, who died in police custody resulting in felony criminal charges for three police officers and two paramedics. The interviewer asked the attorney being interviewed why one of the officers Read more »

Failing to Enforce Laws Encourages Breaking Them

By Steve Pomper  Tire marks on pavement as after street takeovers (Photo: Sergio Valle Duarte, Creative Commons) In 2020, during the inception of the politically engineered Saint George Floyd controversy, Minneapolis’ anti-police  Mayor “Barely There” Jacob Frey refused to allow the cops to suppress a BLM/Antifa rebellion that went on to destroy a police precinct. This Read more »

Rescuing Children from Abuse

By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D The prime directive for police officers is to protect the innocent, and there are none so innocent as children. According to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS), there were 558,899 victims of child abuse and neglect across the United States in 2022. In addition to the wounds Read more »

After Horrific Ambush on LEOs in Charlotte, the Caliber of America’s Cops Prevails: ‘Yet Somehow Today They All Got Up to Do it Again’

By Stephen Owsinski Another infamous day recorded in the annals of our brave, forward-stepping law enforcement officers felled by a crazed gunman harboring zero value for life unfolded on April 29, 2024, in Charlotte, North Carolina, resulting in four cops slain in the line of duty and several others hospitalized. In total, eight law enforcement Read more »

The Governor of California Needs to Hear from You

On December 3, 2011, David Leonardo was watching his girlfriend’s daughter while his girlfriend was out. Instead of caring for the toddler, he beat two-year-old Priscilla Hernandez to death. An autopsy confirmed she had been abused before. Leonardo was convicted in 2014 and was sentenced to 15 years to life for second-degree murder. However, because Read more »

The National Police Association awards a grant to the Somerset, KY Police Department’s Shepherds Watch program

  (Indianapolis) April 30, 2024 – The National Police Association announced today it has awarded the Somerset, KY Police Department a $1000.00 grant to assist with funding their Shepherds Watch program. Shepherds Watch is a contemporary crime prevention and investigation tool that utilizes the effectiveness of partnerships between police and the community. Security camera owners Read more »

More Serious Criminals Receiving More Light Sentences

(Photo: Bob Jagendorf Creative Commons) By Steve Pomper  I was an officer on one of Washington State’s first (it may have been the first) “Three Strikes law” (a 1993 voter-passed initiative) court cases. The law required that after a person is convicted for a third (qualifying) violent felony, which he was, it’s off to the hoosegow Read more »