The Ohio Parole Board Needs to Hear from You

The Ohio Parole Board Needs to Hear from You

Help stop the parole of the killer of Police Officer Charles D. Burdsall Police Officer Charles Burdsall was shot and killed when he stopped a car he suspected of being involved in an armed robbery at a convenience store minutes earlier. As he approached the vehicle on West McMicken Avenue, he was shot. A 19-year-old Read more »

We Were Lawmen Once, and Young

By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D I hope my gray hair doesn’t show through in my writing. I work hard to stay current on police matters and was still active on the front lines not too terribly long ago. But those social media reminders about boomers, Gen Xers, millennials, and Gen Z keep reminding me Read more »

Canada’s Police Agencies Are Like and Unlike U.S. Police

By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D Like law enforcement in the USA, Canada’s police agencies are under scrutiny for actions during protests and demonstrations. Issues giving rise to our Canadian colleague’s contention with crowds include protests regarding Israel and Palestinians, environmental activism, homelessness, and cultural and political concerns among the native indigenous populations of Canada. Read more »

Traffic Stops Help ‘Clean Up the Streets’

By Stephen Owsinski  One of the most common purposes for America’s law enforcement officers is to conduct traffic stops of motorists who are tooling around town unsafely and illegally, resulting in cops potentially discovering and addressing substantive issues during the interaction. Driven by a fusion of preemptive mindsets and lifesaving feats, LEOs’ duties span many Read more »

First Responders Create ‘Friend Responders’ Unit to Serve and Protect Autism Community

By Stephen Owsinski  Our brothers and sisters in law enforcement roles are unrelenting in generating ways to serve the community better. By creating a “Friend Responders” unit of cops expressly looking in on citizens diagnosed with autism, the Suffolk County, NY, police department minted a partnership with Autism Communities, an organization assisting people with neurodiverse Read more »

Kids in the Crossfire

By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D We can’t talk about the heroic rescue of children without stepping into the dark world of crimes against our most innocent victims. Children under the age of 18 represent a little over 8% of murder victims. Kids are most at risk before they start kindergarten where they are mostly Read more »