Are We Finally Sinking the Anti-Law Enforcement Myths Ship?

Are We Finally Sinking the Anti-Law Enforcement Myths Ship?

By Steve Pomper  The anti-cop myth ship may finally be taking on water. But the police-hating extremists continue to sail and bail as if their lives depended on it. Maybe not their lives, literally, but their Anarcho-Marxist ideological existence seems threatened for sure. Even though most Americans still respect and admire the police to some degree, Read more »

Labs for Law Enforcement

By Stephen Owsinski  Think dogs, not science. Everywhere I turn, I see a proliferation of dogs being sworn in as members of law enforcement agencies, not necessarily as crimefighters but as wellness “coaches,” providing tacit companionship and a therapeutic brand increasingly necessary for our nation’s hyper-stressed cops handling societal chaos. Although several breeds nobly serve Read more »

Search and Rescue

By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D In the mountains, in the forest, or in the water people get lost, injured, or trapped. They need to be found and rescued no matter what their peril. The key to successful search and rescue (SAR) operations is the right combination of personnel, training, and specialized equipment. Pre-planning for Read more »

The National Police Association Supports the Law Enforcement Scenario-Based Training for Safety and De-Escalation Act of 2024

INDIANAPOLIS, Aug. 21, 2024 — A new bi-partisan bill called the Law Enforcement Scenario-Based Training for Safety and De-Escalation Act of 2024 (H.R. 8871) would make comprehensive training readily available to state and local police agencies. The bill was re-introduced by Rep. Emilia Sykes (OH-13) and is co-sponsored by Reps. Brian Fitzpatrick (PA-01), Don Bacon (NE-02), and Glenn Ivey (MD-04); it has been Read more »

Sea Change

By Stephen Owsinski  When it comes to the national number of sworn strength in law enforcement agencies, the shallow anti-police sentiment hampered the police profession’s ability to recruit and bolster the ranks. Nevertheless, some modest-sized classes of young police academy graduates are swearing the police officers’ oath. Besides formal training, will these freshly minted cops Read more »

The Persistence of the Ferguson Lie

By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D A decade ago I was on the ground covering the Michael Brown shooting in Ferguson, Missouri. Other than the burned and boarded-up buildings the street had an almost carnival-like atmosphere. Families were meandering complete with baby carriages and school-aged children periodically raised their hands in the “hands up, don’t Read more »

Military Equipment Helps Police Save Lives During Natural Disasters

By Stephen Owsinski  Despite anti-police sorts railing against military surplus equipment acquired by law enforcement agencies, folks plucked from perilous natural disasters by cops operating high-water rescue vehicles are grateful for a chance to live another day. Florida’s hurricane season undeniably threatens life and tolls enormous property destruction. It is entirely conceivable that if it Read more »

Diligent Deputy Saves Autistic Child Clinging to a Log in Pond

By Stephen Owsinski  Given the tragedies involving autistic children who eloped and drowned in a body of water, we have a happy ending thanks to a Florida deputy who, despite the ugly odds, went all in on finding a missing child, using his agency-provided Autism Awareness Training to save a youngster’s life. With this, we Read more »