By Steve Pomper I wasn’t there (and, most likely, neither were you), but I know what I saw on the video and read about the incident from media and at the Stockton (CA) P.D. Facebook page. And though my assessment will always have a law enforcement tinge to it, some observations may be of value to Read more »
By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D Little Riley Cottongim faced his first day of kindergarten without his father, Zachary Cottongim. An officer with the Louisville, KY police department, Cottongim was investigating an abandoned vehicle on Interstate 64 in December of 2021 when he was struck and killed by a vehicle whose driver had lost control Read more »
By Stephen Owsinski Given all the grief we have seen with so-called prosecutors handing out antithetical liberties to law violators who victimize innocents, it is refreshing and reassuring to know prosecutors in law-and-order jurisdictions stand with victims, partner with law enforcement, and prosecute cases built by cops. Recently, my county’s sheriff publicly praised our Judicial Read more »
By Doug Wyllie Standing at a distance—and not even a particularly great distance at that—an objective outside observer might surmise that the political “powers that be” in San Francisco are intentionally trying to drive their city and its citizens off the edge of a tall cliff. San Francisco’s current descent into the abyss began nearly Read more »
By Steve Pomper Las Vegas Metropolitan police officer with mother and child I’m not gonna lie. I get warm and fuzzy when I hear about cops coming to the rescue—especially for kids. On the job, I felt a sense of pride when I saw people—well, victims, anyway—relax or become somewhat calmer when we showed up to Read more »
By Stephen Owsinski Law enforcement officers everywhere know they have chosen a profession that could end their existence at any moment. Despite this omen, they forge on with that ominous cloud hovering wherever their duty boots step, which is heroic momentum. With that, casualties are tolled and homage is lavished. Physical signs of heroism mark Read more »
By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D Dealing with a suicidal person is one of the most challenging jobs facing police officers. Even though many agencies are trying to relieve law enforcement from mental health calls, the frequently dangerous circumstances of these calls put police on the front lines of intervention. The need for compassion for Read more »
By Steve Pomper Several recent stories about criminality in Seattle, Portland, and San Francisco, demonstrate the mind-numbing belligerent ignorance of their political officials. Whether it’s ignorance or a willful radical leftist ideology is up for grabs. But, giving the benefit of the doubt, the ignorance is belligerent because they don’t know what they’re doing but insist Read more »
By Doug Wyllie It reads like a plot from a “crime drama” on Amazon or Hulu or Netflix—except it was a real plot, in the real world, with a real victim, real perpetrators, and real consequences. In the small hours of the morning in early March 2018, police responded to a “shots fired” 911 call Read more »
By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D On July 21st of this year Eastland County, Texas, Sheriff’s Office Deputy Sheriff David Bosecker, a 21-year law enforcement veteran, was shot and killed while responding to a domestic violence call. As he arrived on the scene a male subject opened fire on him, fatally wounding him. Other responding Read more »