National Police Association spokeswoman Sgt. Betsy Brantner Smith (Ret.) joined Rob Schmitt on Newsmax TV discussing the lawsuit by Palo Alto police against the City

Mentors Made in Heaven—Cops in the Wings

By Stephen Owsinski Many among aspiring, present, or retired law enforcement officers can say they had one or more beat cops or TV characters role-modeling heroic police work when growing up as a kid. I was enamored by NYPD cops while growing up in New York City, thus I, for one, can attest to this. Read more »

Attack Good Cops While Protecting Bad Teachers

By Steve Pomper While no one wants bad cops going from one jurisdiction to another, we also don’t want good officers sacrificed on the altar of wokeness. And we know what the radical left’s definition of “bad” cop is: all cops. It could be illustrative to contrast two public employee groups: public education and public safety Read more »

Brainwashing Politicos Dwarfed by Police Perseverance

By Stephen Owsinski The I told ya so crowd deserves heralding; there was really never an iota of doubt that politicos went whacko with anti-police scripts emboldening criminality. Police are not the problem and continue to persevere despite the quacky quest of political brainwashers unrelentingly retailing a shameful vision of a police-less society. The increasingly Read more »

Broken Windows and Broken Promises

By Steve Pomper The radical left has done a belly flop into political quicksand by championing policies despised by most Americans. They tried to hedge their bets with H1, the so-called, For the People Act of 2021 (more like, For the Democrats Act), but Americans are getting increasingly wise to their repeated power grift. The one Read more »

Protect Our Police Chiefs

By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D As LA Times writer Jill Leovy noted in an article nearly 20 years ago “The era of long-time chiefs has given way to an era of short-timers (who) rarely last longer than three years anymore.” The average tenure of police chiefs, although shorter for large agencies than smaller agencies, Read more »

Violent Crime Given the Green Light Amid Denials

By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D Crime rates have always been a target of debate and manipulation. The dramatic increase in violent crime in selected locations around the country has anti-police voices choking on their twisted logic. More crime? Must be all the guns that have been sold! Must be because of corrupt police! Must Read more »

Abolition of the Police Disguised as Reform

By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D Abolishing law enforcement has been a topic in some academic circles for decades. It seemed so ludicrous to those outside the ivory towers where ideas are churned about that no one in the real world gave any attention to the threat that the idea of ridding America of police Read more »