By Stephen Owsinski Harm’s way is no stranger to cops, and it is right outside the door of any police cruiser pretty much anywhere during duty hours. Whether situated in the shoulder on an interstate or traversing through an intersection on routine patrol or responding to a call for service, traffic woes remain prevalent. Although Read more »
By Steve Pomper What if you hired a lactose intolerant milkman and then he refused to deliver milk? You’d fire him, right? Well, perhaps voters in blue jurisdictions should also fire their public prosecutors. In L.A., they’re trying to do just that by recalling DA George Gascon. Like the milkman who won’t deliver milk, voters are Read more »
By Stephen Owsinski On the relevant heels of commemorating 9/11, there is so much to explore —even after two decades— pertaining to the vast human resources involved in mitigating the diabolical attack on iconic symbols in America, resulting in massive loss of life. Each year on September 11, we see more first responders and hear Read more »
By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D Let’s define what a small agency is by doing some math. With 168 hours in every week, assuming a 40 hour week and we want 24-hour coverage, that will require 4.2 officers. Those officers will need to take sick leave, vacation, and holidays which could amount to 30 additional Read more »
By Stephen Owsinski It’s been two decades since two terrorist-hijacked planes slammed into two very tall world-renowned towers, both ultimately crumbling to the ground. Before, during and after the diabolical action, law enforcement officers were either already in the World Trade Center complex, rushing to it in attempts to salvage lives after the unspeakable happened, Read more »
By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D If we haven’t had enough forehead slapping, eye-rolling, what the heck moments in the past year, here’s another: paying people not to shoot other people. Saying “Don’t shoot, here take my money” sounds more like a robbery than a social program, but some social engineers think it will save Read more »
By Steve Pomper If there is ever going to be genuine change to decrease Baltimore’s soaring crime, it can come only after an honest realization of the true problems there. But that’s not likely. Creating a myth about bad cops has become too necessary for political fundraising. But it’s not so great for people who need Read more »
By Stephen Owsinski Despite the barks for transparency and reform and reimagining the law enforcement institution to suit our society, a majority of America’s top cops have been publicizing police operations and activity well before the know-it-all noisemakers picked up their bullhorns—it’s only ratcheted up a few notches. Previously, a sworn LEO with training and/or Read more »
By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D Anti-police fervor continues to show up in attacks on police officers. The strident voices of ani-police activists whose false narratives and accusations perpetuated in the media cannot escape blame for literally fanning the flames of hostility. In Greensboro, North Carolina, a man entered the property just outside of the Read more »