By Stephen Owsinski As we enter 2021 with the anti-police rancor still wafting and a new commander-in-chief supplanting the former law-and-order president, it is astonishing that through it all…our nation’s law enforcement officers who took tons of heat, ridicule, criticism, and hatred unwaveringly report for duty and help mete-out societal woes—as best they’re permitted (Google Read more »
Sunday Feb. 7th at 10am ET with with Mike The Cop, inspiring police officers and one of the original founders of Humanizing the Badge, online at https://Pluto.TV/live-tv/The-First or on the app or after broadcast on
By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D. Violent crime has skyrocketed in recent months and criminologists are asking why. The increase in the murder rate means that more than 2000 Americans, the majority of whom were black, died in 2020 than in the previous year. Researchers and commentators are quick to go to the usual suspects Read more »
By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D. Financial support from businesses for causes ranging from local little league baseball to diversity have been a mainstay of good corporate citizenship in the American landscape. Things have taken a turn from non-controversial support to potentially risky advocacy and now to advocating negative actions against law enforcement. Ice cream Read more »
By Steve Pomper Sometimes the legacy media (local and national) are shameless with their inflammatory headlines. No… wait… all the time. The (Tacoma) News Tribune recently headlined, “Tacoma police car plows through crowd of pedestrians gathered at downtown street race.” The Tribune makes it sound like people were watching a sanctioned high school drag race night at Read more »
By Stephen Owsinski One of the biggest thrills in my police career was going up in a county sheriff’s office chopper to record aerial imagery of a traffic fatality down below. I was assisting one of our department’s traffic homicide investigators (THI, later redesignated as TFI for traffic fatality investigators…since most crash-related deaths are “accidents”) Read more »
By Steve Pomper The so-called riot police are misunderstood by so many in so many ways, in function, limitations, deployment, etc. First, the way the media often report on the “riot police” can make people get the sense it’s a specialty unit like SWAT, the bike patrol, or the traffic unit. It’s not. When departments have to deploy Read more »
By Stephen Owsinski Gotta love research gurus and the time invested to unearth intriguing things, some of which are eye-opening and appalling. Such findings often redirect our course of action, encourage consideration of other options, and reallocate our hard-earned economy by patronizing entities which align with our personal values and beliefs. Most often that manifests Read more »
By Steve Pomper If you are on the political left and you still believe the political right unfairly characterizes Antifa and BLM demonstrator’s predilection for violence and mayhem, you may want to reorganize your views about these radicals after this story. If you don’t, replace the batteries in your humanity. But first, let me preface with Read more »