By Stephen Owsinski Several members of the Boston Police Department were met with a visit from their mayor, Michelle Wu, who stopped in to extend her gratitude and what sounded like a pep-talk, as if everything is peachy with the climate outdoors (the anti-police bluster experienced by cops, not the temps from Mother Nature). Once Read more »
By Steve Pomper While officer safety must be uppermost in mind, cops spend a lot of time reading people to pick up on clues as to what they might be thinking—or planning. Assessing a person’s danger level involves considering the totality of the circumstances. An officer is consistently receiving and processing data and stimuli at any Read more »
By Stephen Owsinski All propagators and ilk-like supporters of the defund-the-police charade have only themselves to thank for the loss of a political fiefdom voicing the nonsensical defunding of police which emboldened malcontents, jeopardized many lives, and enabled ravage of businesses in cities which gave birth to an antithetical cacophony against cops and undermined everyone’s Read more »
By Steve Pomper Interim Tacoma Police Chief Mike Ake recently announced he’d exonerated two Tacoma police officers of any department policy violations. The findings are a result of internal investigations related to the in-custody death of Manuel Ellis in March 2020. According to KING 5 News, Chief Ake announced the findings on Dec. 21, during a Read more »
By Stephen Owsinski As one may suspect, police work during major holidays means being away from loved ones in order to safeguard the community and ensure citizens’ merrymaking with appetizing banquets and poignant familial experiences while seasonal lights wink away. For the beat cop ensuring these highlights are conceivable, the shift is nonetheless normalized with Read more »
By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D The year isn’t over yet as I write this, so the number of law enforcement deaths will increase before 2022 dawns. 2021’s list on the Officer Down Memorial Page (ODMP) is already bloated. In addition to the increase in ambushes, the usual murders of officers arresting violent offenders, and Read more »
By Stephen Owsinski This is neither an indictment against tattoos and/or facial hair on law enforcement officers. It is, however, an observation of how we judge cops, institute policies based on misperceptions, and hold police officers accountable for trivialities while losing sight of their dedication to self-sacrifice and life-saving feats along the way. We’ll look Read more »