By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D. There were high hopes when the Clinton presidency oversaw the development of the Office of Community Policing within the U.S. Department of Justice in 1994 with an initial $8.8 billion expenditure over six years. One of the initiatives from the COPS office was the Police Corps, a program which, Read more »
By Stephen Owsinski If you’re like me, the Christmas season was something to really look forward to after a year rocked by COVID-based uncertainty. Yet, many unknowns loom. It’s not as if when the New Year’s Eve odometer slowly turns from 2020 to 2021 that all will be well. To the contrary; we have many Read more »
Costumed Cop Hater Infestation Did you know there was such a thing as furries? We didn’t either but apparently, it’s a thing. Some of them are purportedly Nazis. The furries clearly know there is such a thing as the NPA, because they are now all visiting us every day, objecting to our diabolical rumored plan Read more »
By Steve Pomper Law enforcement officers serve their communities daily—and nightly, all year long, often going above and beyond the proverbial call of duty. But this is the time of year when such acts take on a special meaning. The following story made me think of a saying which originally appeared in Aesop’s Fables and which Read more »
By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D. Sensory distortion is a well-documented mental effect of life-threatening crisis moments. After speaking on the subject, one officer related that she had never told anyone else, but that she remembers hearing the sound of her bullet hitting the flesh of a burglary suspect. I believed her. Officers have reported Read more »
By Stephen Owsinski Indeed, it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas. What is fascinating and heartwarming is the plethora of offerings from folks equally hard-pressed because of the looming pandemic. And like many similar hardships posed by circumstance resulting in positive outcomes, cops are out there doing the job and spreading cheer…and gifting abounds. Read more »
By Stephen Owsinski Among the many pro/con movements regarding policing in a transparent society opining contrarily, some Americans are now claiming that law enforcement officer hiring practices ought to exclude military veterans from consideration, citing fears of a “militaristic” police force. For law enforcement officers, this is yet another hit for those policing the United Read more »
By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D. Since the mid-1980s, a lot of attention has been given to the Broken Windows Theory of crime proposed by James Q. Wilson and George Kelling. The timing of the publishing of their theory coincided with an increase in violent crime and fear of crime. Violent crime became a national Read more »
By Steve Pomper It’s hard to believe the NPA has been reporting on the Lt. John Mitchell saga for over a year about an incident that occurred in May 2019 in Blackwell, Oklahoma. Mitchell is a lieutenant with the Blackwell Police Department who was indicted by DA Jason Hicks for stopping an active shooter who was Read more »
By Stephen Owsinski As I have written a few times in previous articles, cops are quite resourceful and accomplish many things for those they meet on the beat or wherever, responding whenever they hear the call for assistance or see a need. Besides the myriad attributes among police personnel, there is a variety of go-to Read more »