On May 1, 2023, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis once again galvanized the Sunshine State’s sovereignty against ludicrous woke ideologies, increasingly supporting the brave men and women who place themselves on the frontlines, ensuring public safety on behalf of citizens and visitors.
Governor DeSantis put pen to legislative papers, signing “into law his third consecutive anti-crime, pro-public safety legislative package. The bills enacted by the governor strengthen pre-trial detention and push back against ‘bail reform’ efforts that have made other states significantly less safe, increase sentences for drug traffickers that target children, and subject child rapists to the death penalty. Last month, Governor DeSantis also signed legislation that reforms Florida’s death penalty statutes to ensure justice in capital cases.”
What a breath of fresh air for law enforcement officials fighting the good fight, ever mindful of the perils around just about every corner and how cops elsewhere are mistreated, defunded, devalued, debased, and decommissioned for the most asinine reasons waged by knee-jerk, criminal-hugging professional panderers (politicos’ agendas).

“Florida is a law-and-order state with a 50-year record low crime rate and double-digit year-over-year decreases in murder, burglary, and overall crime,” said Governor Ron DeSantis. “For three consecutive legislative sessions we have enacted tough-on-crime policies, and this year we are continuing to implement measures to protect our communities and keep Florida safe, with a particular emphasis on keeping criminals in jail and throwing the book at pedophiles.”
Speaking to the press on May 3, 2023, Governor DeSantis conveyed his motivations and convictions behind these new bills, adding, “Our Florida bail, tough-on-bail [statutes], is anti-New York. Supporting free speech physicians, kind of anti-California.”
Mr. DeSantis is not shy about criticizing the governance of New York and California, or any other seemingly wayward state rife with ruination stemming from grotesque policies drawn by elected leaders.
“They understand that what we’re doing in Florida, you know, we represent a threat to leftism in this country because we’re defeating leftism in the state of Florida,” he emphasized.
The flagrant disregard for criminal justice in other states is the exemplar influencing Florida’s firm stance on law and order and forward-stepping cops implementing safety and security doctrines, wholly supported and continually funded by lawmakers.
Speaking of forward-stepping LEOs…
Betrayed First Responders Flock to Florida
The conservative-based governance in the Sunshine State has benefitted from the out-of-control, soft-on-crime locales inviting/allowing chaos and decay, leading to rampant crime, plein-air drug abuse, shoplifting frenzies, increasing the number of mega retailers shuttering and hightailing it out of irresponsible cities and states portraying implausible deniability.
Florida’s pro-police legislature has laid down copious amounts of ink on bills bolstering law enforcement throughout its 67 counties, lavishing state, county, and municipal cops with raises and handing signing bonuses to prospective police officers —many from anti-police states— who seek sworn status where they are not only properly compensated but genuinely appreciated for performing life-threatening duties.
Heck, the Sunshine State even awarded 2 million dollars from the Florida Disaster Fund, expressly for law enforcement officers personally impacted by the significant hit from Hurricane Ian in late 2022.

(Photo courtesy of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.)
It is not at all surprising that my news feed has been chock-full of ceremonies depicting the swearing-in of cops, many from jurisdictions whose in-denial elected officials/leaders snubbed their noses at the burgeon of criminality and the exodus of cops. Albeit awkward, such blatant betrayals transcend to positive gains for the affected cops and the open-armed locales that love law enforcement pros, for obvious reasons.

(Photo courtesy of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.)
The caption accompanying that image is very telling and aligns with today’s topic: On behalf of Florida, Governor DeSantis “Was happy to hand deliver $5,000 bonuses this week to six newly recruited officers who came down from states like New York and Maryland. These new Cape Coral Police Officers stepped up and served their community through the Hurricane Ian response [in September 2022].”
One of the more recent batches of new Florida cops from out of state was sworn in and celebrated, with welcoming words from the St. Petersburg Police Department administration: “Congrats to St. Pete PD’s new officers! They’re from all over and wanted to work in paradise. We’re excited they’re here to help protect and serve.”

(Photo courtesy of the St. Petersburg Police Department.)
Notice the young lad at the bottom left corner of the photo, jutting his hand, reflecting his dad’s venture of policing after relocating his profession/family to Florida; perhaps this is the boy’s destiny, too.
And Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody, whose husband is a federal law enforcement officer, has her signature support on all-things-pro-police legislation, too.
“In Florida, we stand for the rule of law, we back our blue, and we treat offenders as they should be treated — not as victims, but as criminals who deserve to be behind bars,” said Attorney General Ashley Moody.
“That’s one of the reasons why we are the fastest-growing state in the nation. I am grateful for Governor DeSantis’ strong leadership in advocating for, and signing, new laws that go after fentanyl traffickers and keep violent and repeat offenders behind bars to protect Floridians and our millions of visitors.”

Given some of those other states’ mayhem, disarray, and unlivable conditions underscored by arrogant attorneys general that seem to salivate over going after crimefighters for the slightest wrinkle or perceived misalignment, torpedo any iota of deserved support for cops, recklessly embrace defunding documents, fake blindness, and muteness in the face of glaring destruction by anarchists…having a cop-supporting AG is nothing short of a blessing for badges.
Law enforcement professionals in any overrun jurisdictions inclined to steamroll public safety principles…deserve honor and acceptance where their badges and duty belts are respected, not just in words but in deeds such as the growing series of supportive legislative acts and flow of funding to bring it all to fruition.
“We have a 50-year record-low crime rate because of the work we have done to improve public safety and support law enforcement in Florida,” declared Governor DeSantis.
“The legislation I signed [on May 1, 2023] will build on our success and continue to make Florida a safe and secure state.”