Protect Our Police Chiefs

Protect Our Police Chiefs

By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D As LA Times writer Jill Leovy noted in an article nearly 20 years ago “The era of long-time chiefs has given way to an era of short-timers (who) rarely last longer than three years anymore.” The average tenure of police chiefs, although shorter for large agencies than smaller agencies, Read more »

Judge rules in favor of lawsuit, orders Minneapolis to restore police staffing

Cathy Spann, and seven other Minneapolis residents sued their City Council and Mayor for letting the Minneapolis PD fall below minimum staffing requirements in violation of the City Charter. The National Police Association (NPA) filed an amicus curiae (“friend of the court”) brief supporting their suit. The Minneapolis City Council and Mayor had sought to circumvent the Read more »

Underwater Policing—Diving In

By Stephen Owsinski Of the many deployments law enforcement agencies have as public services for citizens, special certifications and ongoing training results in highly skilled public safety professionals doing a certain job where gills would really help but human adaptations are nonetheless employed. Law enforcement marine units and dutiful dive teams, albeit rarely mentioned in Read more »

Praying it Forward

By Stephen Owsinski Praying it forward is an empirically applied endemic feature of America’s law enforcement institution and those who take up the nation’s battles. And there is no escaping the harsh fact that those battles often culminate in casualties, with annual statistics recently increasing in the number of gut-wrenching line-of-duty deaths of cops. Although Read more »

Can Police Find Their Voice Through Lawsuits?

By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D Steve Pompers excellent article for NPA chronicles the efforts of Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Officer De’Joure Mercern suing for defamation. The National Football League is the object of the suit after they published a wrongful implication of Mercern’s killing of a violent criminal listed among the innocent civil rights heroes Read more »

Cops: Pillars of Allegiance

By Stephen Owsinski Among myriad matters America’s cops tend to, one static certainty is their allegiance to flag and country and, extraordinarily, all citizens living under constitutional guaranty. The police mission is most certainly succeeded by allegiance to each other. Police presentations of allegiance come in many forms: from patriotic holidays to birthday wish drive-bys Read more »