Did an Anti-Police Activist Lie to Get on the Officer Brad Lunsford Jury?

Did an Anti-Police Activist Lie to Get on the Officer Brad Lunsford Jury?

Per a new court filing, the trial of former Las Cruces police officer, Brad Lunsford, who was wrongfully charged for defending himself and his partner from an armed suspect, was poisoned by an anti-police activist who managed to get on the jury through perjury. The filing alleges that “Juror #8” concealed outrageous bias before and Read more »

President Trump: End the Federalization of Local Police Departments by Terminating ‘Consent Decrees’

Federal consent decrees imposed on local police departments are court enforced rules initiated by the federal government, typically the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), after an allegation of misconduct. The court appoints a monitor who reports on compliance to the court. The court decides when, if ever, the department is released from federal oversight. The Read more »

The responsibility for individuals with severe mental health issues does not, and should not, rest on police officers’ shoulders alone.

In Columbus, Ohio, a tragedy unfolded when police officers were forced to make a split-second decision, resulting in the death of Colin Jennings, a man in the midst of a mental health crisis. On that cold February morning, the Columbus Police Department responded to a 911 call describing Jennings’ erratic behavior and threats to himself Read more »

Police Cars are No Safe Refuge

By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D Patrol cars are a rapid response delivery system and the daily office for the patrol officer. What they are not is a safe place for the officer. On July 17th, 2024 a James City County Police Department, VA patrol car was struck by rifle fire. Officers were attempting to Read more »

Prematurely Reporting the Suspect Was “Unarmed”

By Steve Pomper    Police officer arrests man in Baltimore (Keith Allison, CC 2.0) Enough! What is it with media’s and cop critics’ careless (malicious) reporting about police officers compelled to use lethal force on “unarmed” suspects? Reporting like that can help lead to an officer’s unnecessary discipline, termination, or bogus criminal charges. One faulty method Read more »

After Horrific Ambush on LEOs in Charlotte, the Caliber of America’s Cops Prevails: ‘Yet Somehow Today They All Got Up to Do it Again’

By Stephen Owsinski Another infamous day recorded in the annals of our brave, forward-stepping law enforcement officers felled by a crazed gunman harboring zero value for life unfolded on April 29, 2024, in Charlotte, North Carolina, resulting in four cops slain in the line of duty and several others hospitalized. In total, eight law enforcement Read more »

Praying for the Protection of Law Enforcement Heroes

By Stephen Owsinski The way our society is nowadays, with cops increasingly in the crosshairs of maniacs brazenly launching cold-blooded killings, laying hands on law enforcement officers, and persistently praying over their lives is always paramount. In the small space of a few days, several heinous murders of uniformed police officers have shaken us to Read more »

Proxemics (Personal Space) and Officer Survival

By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D “I don’t shake hands,” said the veteran officer, then he continued with his business. I thought that seemed rude but I reluctantly followed his lead most of the time for the rest of my career. Smiles and handshakes are essential human interactions, at least in the culture I know, Read more »