Launching a New Police Marine Unit

Launching a New Police Marine Unit

By Stephen Owsinski Many years ago, when I first landed in Florida from NYC, just about every police agency I researched included “Swim Test” among their basic requirements for eligibility as a law enforcement officer. It follows, that public safety entities in the Sunshine State employ a marine unit to patrol its waterways, ensure boating Read more »

Judge Reduces Bail 90% for Accused Illegal Alien Cop Killer

Washington State Trooper Christopher M. Gadd #927 (WSP Facebook screenshot) I’m not sure if I’m more angry or more numb about yet another criminal justice official hurling a huge insult at America’s law enforcement officers. But here we go again. A judge in Snohomish County, Washington, has reduced bail for an accused illegal alien, cop-killer, Read more »

Secrets of Highway Safety

By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D Have you bought a federally regulated gas can lately? The required safety features seem to include the inability to actually get gasoline poured from it. It takes more machinations than an arthritic trying to open the bottle to their pain pills.  We can complain about the government being a Read more »

The National Police Association Argues Against Unconstitutional Illinois Gun Control Laws in the United States Supreme Court

Guest article by Sam Jacobs. Sam Jacobs is a passionate advocate for Second Amendment rights and an avid historian. As lead writer for, he delves into the intersection of firearms, freedom, and corporate power. With a penchant for defending individual liberties, his work sparks discussions in various publications and platforms. Amidst the formidable challenges Read more »

Establishing Who is in Charge Quickly and Professionally

By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D A bank robber in Missouri decided to hit small-town banks rather than bigger ones with heftier security systems and plenty of law enforcement. One town that he chose was Chilhowee, population 300, situated 20 miles from the county sheriff’s office. The town shared its one police officer with another Read more »

The Crisis in Response Times

By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D We are hearing more about response time amid the concern of police staffing shortages. The expectation of citizens that a call to 911 will immediately send a fleet of police cars screaming to your scene is more of a product of television shows and movies where the cops always Read more »