By Stephen Owsinski A church in Charlotte, North Carolina, invited grieving police officers and first responders in the wake of four local law enforcement officers slain in the line of duty to their hallowed grounds, serving each a home-cooked meal as a token of recognition for all they continue to do on undeniably mean streets, Read more »
By Steve Pomper Ousted Cop-Hating Multnomah County (Portland, OR.) District Attorney Mike Schmidt, (MetroEast Community Media, CCA 3.0) Yet another radical leftist, cop-hating public official has joined fellow Soros disciples, like Racheal Rollins, Chesa Boudin, Kim Gardner, and Kim Foxx, their butts tossed onto the ash heap of Marxist history. Let the trend continue. As independent Read more »
By Stephen Owsinski Many years ago, when I first landed in Florida from NYC, just about every police agency I researched included “Swim Test” among their basic requirements for eligibility as a law enforcement officer. It follows, that public safety entities in the Sunshine State employ a marine unit to patrol its waterways, ensure boating Read more »
Washington State Trooper Christopher M. Gadd #927 (WSP Facebook screenshot) I’m not sure if I’m more angry or more numb about yet another criminal justice official hurling a huge insult at America’s law enforcement officers. But here we go again. A judge in Snohomish County, Washington, has reduced bail for an accused illegal alien, cop-killer, Read more »
The tragic case of Officer Anthony Dwyer, a dedicated New York City police officer brutally murdered, underscores why parole for cop killers should be firmly opposed. Eddie Matos, the man responsible for Anthony’s death, is currently serving a sentence of 25 years to life for his role in the crime. Despite this, he has Read more »
By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D Have you bought a federally regulated gas can lately? The required safety features seem to include the inability to actually get gasoline poured from it. It takes more machinations than an arthritic trying to open the bottle to their pain pills. We can complain about the government being a Read more »
By Stephen Owsinski Some things are so predictable they may make you yawn. For instance, the deepening deterioration of certain states whose “progressive” governance is progressively pitiful, imperiling millions of citizens by moronically handing keys to the city to bona fide criminals who prey on innocents. As James Baldwin said, “Ignorance, allied with power, is Read more »