The National Police Association Supports the Keep Violent Criminals Off Our Streets Act Amid Historic Rise in Violent Crime

No Spring Break for the Police

By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D We aren’t yet a third of the way into 2024. As Springtime provides its annual renewal of hope, the season of mayhem has not abated. As of March 12, 2024, 7 law enforcement officers had been murdered by gunfire, 1 by stabbing, 1 has drowned, 4 were killed being Read more »

In the Know with Your Police on the Go

By Stephen Owsinski I recall my days as an adolescent when my dad used to sit for hours and listen to NYPD activities via his “scanner” whose varying “stations” were accessible with tiny shiny plastic things the size of a Chiclet (maybe smaller, thinner) called “crystals.” Our neighborhood supplier of individual chips was Radio Shack. Read more »

Together We Can Win

  Join the National Police Association in supporting our brave men and women in blue. Every day, they put their lives on the line to keep us safe. But they need our help to continue their mission. Black Lives Matter, Antifa, progressive prosecutors, and the rest of the anti-police forces receive millions in donations from Read more »

Posted in NPA

The National Police Association Supports California Assembly Bill 3038 to Require an Armed Police Officer in Every School

Indianapolis – March 15, 2024. California Assembly Bill 3038 would require each public and charter school in the state to have at least one armed school resource officer (SRO) on campus whenever students are present. Currently, California school districts can opt out of SRO programs. The bill was introduced by State Assembly Member Bill Essayli Read more »


By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D Every so often I think I should write something down and put it in a sealed, dated envelope. On the outside of the envelope would be the label “I Told You So”. I’m not the only one who predicted that the anti-police sentiment, the decriminalization of drug possession, and Read more »

Posted in Law

The National Police Association tells Supreme Court the 7th Circuit’s Decision Against the Second Amendment Creates Physical and Civil Risks for Police

On Wednesday, March 13, 2024, the National Police Association (“NPA”) filed a brief in the United States Supreme Court in support of the petition of Illinois residents for review of the decision of the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit in Harrel, et al v. Raoul, et al.  The NPA has filed Read more »