By Steve Pomper State planned to put nearly a dozen convicted sex offenders in the rural community of Tenino, WA. (Pop. 1,870 est.) without notification. Just how far are the anti-law-and-order radicals willing to go to subvert public safety? We’ve seen nationwide how far activist mayors, city councils, judges, and Soros-styled prosecutors have gone to show Read more »
By Stephen Owsinski Law enforcement agency recruitment efforts persist…but are the ranks rising after the anti-police party mauled morale and spurred an exodus of cops? While signals still echo a depletion of the nation’s law enforcement officers, with police department and sheriff’s office recruiters compelled to go outside the usual/local boundaries (some recently flew to Read more »
Indianapolis/ October 7th, 2023 – The National Police Association announced today it has awarded the Berea, OH Police Department a $1000.00 grant to assist in the acquisition of patrol vehicle med-kits and other officer safety equipment. Berea today is a diverse, progressive community offering unique opportunities for its people. The Berea Police Department provides residents Read more »
By Doug Wyllie Late last month, officers with the Dallas Police Department fatally shot a man who had only moments before opened fire on them, jumped behind the wheel of a stolen Cadillac SUV, crashed said automobile, and emerged from the wreckage with gun drawn and firing again at responding officers. According to WFAA-TV News, Read more »
By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D It was the 90s and America was fed up with crime. The crack epidemic, predictions about juvenile delinquency, and panic about gangs kept crime in the headlines. Bill Clinton’s presidential campaign in 1992 against incumbent George Bush was centered on the economy but also touted addressing crime as a Read more »
By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D We can celebrate the fact that over the past decade or so a new awareness of mental health has developed, along with greater acceptance of treatment and care. For law enforcement and other first responders, this awareness has opened doors for treatment with less stigma, although there is plenty Read more »
By Steve Pomper A U.S. House Judiciary Committee congressional road trip led by Chairman Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) to discuss Chicago’s criminal mayhem, largely caused by Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx, had the Chicago Sun-Times reaffirming its membership as a partisan, leftist media source with an article titled: “Democrats blast House Republicans for planned forum Read more »
While NYC is giving checks to rioters, and abusing their cops resulting in NYPD being short 1000s of officers, we are sharing the ‘Cops are Heroes’ message in Manhattan to counter-program the City’s story.
By Stephen Owsinski A policeman in North Little Rock, Arkansas, has been diligently stewarding his community and meeting its needs in every way he can, exuding pure police heart and blessings for those on his beat. Corporal Tommy Norman is famously a man about town. The children in North Little Rock admiringly refer to him Read more »
By Doug Wyllie In early January 2018, the bodies of two people were discovered in separate but nearby locations in a relatively remote area of North Carolina between the City of Laurinburg and its small municipal airport to the east of town. According to WBTW-TV News, one victim—later identified as 22-year old Lyn Ardell Bullard Read more »