NPA Spokesperson Discussing America’s Crime Surge on Wake Up America (Newsmax TV)

By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D A Constitutional Republic is what Ben Franklin is said to have remarked was produced by the first Constitutional Convention, adding, according to history “if you can keep it”. Whether those words were actually uttered or not is the subject of conjecture, but Franklin’s wit and vision ring true. We Read more »
Watch the latest video at foxnews.com Former Dallas Police Sgt. Tre Pennie, Suffolk County PBA Sergeant-at-Arms Michael Simonelli and National Police Association Spokesman Sgt. Betsy Brantner Smith on police murders hitting a 20-year high.
By Steve Pomper I should feel bad that this word, schadenfreude, came rushing into mind when I heard the news. The Feds indicted George Soros-funded, Anti-cop, Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby for perjury and mortgage fraud. But I don’t feel bad the word popped up—not one bit. The word, which is one of my favorites, happens Read more »
By Stephen Owsinski One of the myriad features in the law enforcement infrastructure, and a vital girder in its framework, is the police detective. Making the grade to detective usually means one has achieved years on the job, tons of street knowledge, a bevy of contacts in the community, and keen senses to guide investigations Read more »
Watch the NPA Report Sunday at 10am ET with Rodney Muterspaw, police chief (ret.), city council member and author, online at https://pluto.tv/en/live-tv/the-first or on the https://www.thefirsttv.com app or at https://www.youtube.com/c/NationalPoliceAssociation
By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D The counselors who deal with defective and toxic relationships recognize the lack of balance and mutual respect. The criminal justice system, under the guise of reform and personified by “woke” prosecutors, politicians, academics, and even some police chiefs is in a toxic relationship with offenders, playing to role of Read more »
By Steve Pomper The National Police Association (NPA) has been prescient in its monitoring, exposing, and responding effectively to progressive prosecutors who have been proliferating in recent years. For example, the NPA took action, filing a bar complaint against the George Soros-funded Racheal Rollins, until recently, the Suffolk County, Mass. (Boston) DA, who ran for office promising not Read more »
By Steve Pomper You’ve heard that, for cops, there’s no such thing as a routine call. While that’s true, there are some calls obliterate routine. Take this both heartwarming and bone-chilling (literally) recent story out of northern New England. Two men in a 2019 Ford F350 pickup truck traveling on NB Interstate-89, had just crossed the Read more »
By Stephen Owsinski And the beat goes on. By that, I mean the beat where cops patrol to preempt and abate criminals aiming to victimize innocents. But another beat is burgeoning still. It is the steady push of police officers into heightened perils due to misgovernance and a seemingly careless attitude for the human bodies Read more »