By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D For all of the attempts to chip away and police effectiveness – or even police existence – the real accountability for quality policing has always been as close as the nearest voting booth or local council meeting. One of the specters handing over the effort to destroy local law Read more »
By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D California joins Nevada in prohibiting police from putting pressure on a suspects back, torso, or neck in a way the impedes the arrestee’s ability to breathe. That sounds reasonable and, in fact, most police agencies have given much training and policy on that use of force method. The trouble Read more »
By Steve Pomper Some firefighter friends of mine recently expressed their dismay at Washington Governor Jay Inslee’s continuing power-play to force “vaccines” on public employees, including cops and firefighters. As reported by The Hill at MSN news, “more than 90 plaintiffs were listed in the lawsuit against Inslee, including 53 state police employees as well as firefighters….” State Read more »
By Stephen Owsinski Throughout this week we recognize and honor the meticulous minds who skillfully tackle the tedious side of policing, performed by contingents of civilian staff and/or sworn cops who, in tandem, compel malevolence to kneel before justice by pillaring cases with rock-solid scientific conclusions categorically known as evidence. Forensic files, anyone? Indeed, law Read more »
By Steve Pomper Prosecutors across America continue to play around with cops’ lives. The Village Police Corporal Chance Avery was first charged with murder and manslaughter for shooting a suspect armed with a bat. After a police lieutenant in a similar case had his charges dismissed, the judge also dismissed Cpl. Avery’s charges. Now, another judge has Read more »
By Stephen Owsinski September 18, 2021, chaperoned “Thank a Police Officer Day” at a time in our nation’s history when everyday society is like chaotic and reckless bumper cars careening around, without an Off switch, and mounting casualties. On the aspect of galvanizing law and order in America, ghostbusters are not on the call list. Read more »
By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D CNN analyst Philip Mudd was working for the CIA and assigned to the White House when hijacked commercial airliners were driven from the sky into American’s minds forever. Watching as the reports unfolded, Mudd remembers his observation repeated by almost every American: “I knew the world would change”. Eventually Read more »
By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D It seems that the rush to push through laws, policies, and budget restraints on law enforcement is hitting some snags. In Minnesota where a city ballot issue is scheduled to go to voters in November to dismantle the Minneapolis Police Department, the state Supreme Court invalidated a portion of Read more »
By Lt. Randy Sutton The American Law Enforcement Officer is under siege. Did you know? More than 58,000 officers are assaulted in the line of duty each year. There are officers attacked, stabbed, shot, and beaten nearly every day on the job. Thousands suffer injuries ranging from minor to catastrophic and disabling. Add to that Read more »
By Steve Pomper These days it’s crucial to define terms before engaging in any serious debate about an issue. And with the political left’s Orwellian redefining of terms to fit their ideology and control the narrative, it’s become even more essential. Take decertifying bad cops. Six states reportedly have no mechanism for decertifying “bad” police officers: Read more »