NPA Thank You Cards Received by Philadelphia Police Dept 7th District

By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D The Baltimore Sun is reporting that businesses in the Fells Point, a historic waterfront neighborhood, are fed up with unchecked criminal activity. Established in 1763, the area was once a bustling ship building port. With over 300 buildings on the National Register of historic buildings the area is rich Read more »
The National Police Association has awarded the Palacios, TX PD a grant of $1000.00 in support of the department’s RUOK (Are You OK?) program. The RUOK Program is a free service that establishes a prearranged time for participants to receive a regular phone call inquiring about their welfare. During the call participants are asked “Are Read more »
By Steve Pomper Projection or transference is debilitating both for the projector and the target. When used to further demonize cops, it’s devastating for American society. I’ve often thought about the projection the Left uses to attack the Right. The Left accuses the Right of doing what they are doing. But there’s another form of projection, Read more »
By Stephen Owsinski Why can’t we just stop for a moment, greet one another, and have a conversation about…whatever? It’s what cops are especially positioned to do during the course of duty. It’s what citizens are equally availed while going about their everyday lives. Communication is always key—and I’m not even remotely referring to mainstream Read more »
By Steve Pomper Well, first, we may as well get this distraction out of the way. Since sources for this incident were abundant, I selected one at random. It was an AP reprint at Newsbreak.com. I didn’t even need to see the byline because the biased description of the incident betrayed the culprit’s “journalistic” identity. Here’s what happened. Read more »
By Stephen Owsinski The oft-repeated vows and promises among cops are solid steel: “I’ve got your back” and “I’ve got your six” and “We’re in this together” are just a few of the pacts possessed by law enforcement officers. Though the job sometimes devolves into casualties via the self-sacrifice oath on behalf of the citizenry, Read more »
By Steve Pomper What are we teaching our kids used to be a rhetorical question. Now, it’s an actual question in need of an answer. Leftist school administrators, school boards, and teachers’ unions not only tolerate Antifa and BLM violence but approve of it, support it, and even partake in it. And they are passing these Read more »
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By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D Discussions about the roles of policing that might be shifted to non-law enforcement are very important. A recent survey of officers and civilians showed that the majority of police officers and civilians have confidence in law enforcement responding to mental health crisis calls. While there is also significant support Read more »