By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D In 2016, Officer Joseph Mensah shot and killed Jay Anderson. Anderson was apparently asleep and possibly intoxicated in his vehicle at 3 a.m. in a park in Wauwatosa, a Milwaukee suburb when Mensah approached to investigate. Seeing a handgun near Anderson, Mensah drew his sidearm and attempted to make Read more »
By Steve Pomper I’ve been covering and commenting on the horrible anti-rule of law legislation recently passed in states like Illinois, Virginia, and Washington. The latter interests me not only because that’s where I currently live but also, Washington has one of the worst slate of anti-law enforcement laws in the nation. I also took notice Read more »
By Stephen Owsinski I imagine a litany of askance looks are happening, what with all the waffling going on among Anti-Police leaders’ defund-to-refund the police embarrassment. Definitely deserving of the I told ya so brigade resounding the mantra over such a boneheaded maneuver, one which needlessly cost lives. While certain Anti-Police leaders lorded over (read: Read more »
By Steve Pomper A recent social media post I received, inserted below, is instructive when attempting to navigate the truly stupid “police reform” laws, which rode in on the coattails of disastrous “defund the police” politics. After suffering through so many inane media comments from radical leftists, it always grounds me to get a dose of Read more »
By Stephen Owsinski With the drum beat emanating from anti-police crazy choirs, superbly humane constructs from America’s cops continue to counter the propaganda and blatant lies perpetuated by people who harbor hateful hearts and personal agendas, primarily regarding reckless pols and their mouthy pals. Yet despite the tsunami of din, law enforcement officers continue to Read more »
By Steve Pomper Police pursuing armed suspects recklessly driving a vehicle and trying to escape is about as perilous as it gets for cops. The danger exists from vehicle collisions and gunfire, all while trying not to injure or kill innocent people. That’s what Newark, NJ Police Officer Jovanny Crespo, 26, and his partner Officer Hector Read more »