The National Police Association Argues Against Unconstitutional Illinois Gun Control Laws in the United States Supreme Court

The National Police Association Argues Against Unconstitutional Illinois Gun Control Laws in the United States Supreme Court

Guest article by Sam Jacobs. Sam Jacobs is a passionate advocate for Second Amendment rights and an avid historian. As lead writer for, he delves into the intersection of firearms, freedom, and corporate power. With a penchant for defending individual liberties, his work sparks discussions in various publications and platforms. Amidst the formidable challenges Read more »

Together We Can Win

  Join the National Police Association in supporting our brave men and women in blue. Every day, they put their lives on the line to keep us safe. But they need our help to continue their mission. Black Lives Matter, Antifa, progressive prosecutors, and the rest of the anti-police forces receive millions in donations from Read more »

Posted in NPA

The National Police Association Mobile Billboard Sharing the Support the Police Message in Atlanta

  Indianapolis, November 24, 2023 – As Atlanta suffers from its police department being hundreds of officers short, residents continue to be threatened by a local government that refuses to hold criminals accountable, and a collection of criminal anarchists conspire to halt the new police training facility, the National Police Association’s “Cops are Heroes” mobile Read more »

Statement of the National Police Association on the Leaked Pages from the Nashville Manifesto

Indianapolis – November 6, 2023 — Steven Crowder, the host of the Louder with Crowder, shared three purportedly leaked pages from the Nashville shooter’s writings this morning. The Nashville mayor responded by announcing an investigation into the leak, seemingly confirming authenticity. On April 28, 2023 the National Police Association (NPA) sued the City of Nashville Read more »

The National Police Association Mobile Billboard Shares the Support the Police Message in Wash. D.C.

Indianapolis/ November 1, 2023 –As Washington D.C. suffers from its police department being hundreds of officers short, and residents continue to be threatened by a prosecutor and city council who refuse to hold criminals accountable, the National Police Association’s “Cops are Heroes” mobile billboard shows support for law enforcement and public safety.   The National Read more »

The National Police Association Mobile Billboard Shares the Support the Police Message in Harris County, Texas

Indianapolis/ October 11, 2023 –As Harris County, TX public safety continues to be threatened by judges who refuse to hold criminals accountable, the National Police Association’s “Cops are Heroes” mobile billboard shows support for law enforcement. The National Police Association (NPA) is a 501(c)3 Educational/Advocacy non-profit organization. For additional information visit ###

The National Police Association Mobile Billboard Shares the Support the Police Message with Chicago Residents

Indianapolis, September 28, 2023 – The National Police Association (NPA) announced their Mobile Billboard has taken the Police are Heroes message to Chicago. The Chicago Police Department remains understaffed, burdened by resulting mandatory overtime, prevented from protecting the public by anti-policing policies such as their foot and vehicle pursuit prohibitions, and remain unsupported by politicians Read more »