(Indianapolis) December 17, 2023 – The National Police Association announced today it has awarded the Pensacola, FL Police Department a $1000.00 grant to assist with funding their volunteer chaplain program.
The purpose of the volunteer chaplain program is to maintain a core group of chaplains who hold proper credentials in pastoral ministry, counseling, social work, or other fields related to chaplaincy. These chaplains are from various faiths. They volunteer their time and talents to assist the criminal justice system in meeting the spiritual needs of PPD officers, employees, and the citizens of the City of Pensacola. These volunteer chaplains support the community and lighten the burden of PPD officers, by performing various tasks of a spiritual nature.
These volunteer chaplains assist not only PPD officers and their families but also offer support to victims of crimes and their families. Chaplains do not enforce the law, carry weapons, or make arrests.
The National Police Association (NPA) is a 501(c)3 Educational/Advocacy non-profit organization. For additional information visit NationalPolice.org.