Despite the ongoing anti-police foolishness and the continued condemnation of cops resulting in voluminous retirements and resignations of law enforcement officers, a sigh of relief is upon us: Police academies are training and graduating courageous crimefighters prepped to take to the streets.
Following the reported decline of future cops and difficulty filling the vacant law enforcement rosters largely perpetrated by the unrelenting push to defund/abolish policing entities across the nation, the two-sided coin approach is useful in discerning pro/con tabulations.
As anyone nowadays could correctly guess, the mainstream media has been on quite a tear with regard to dogging all-things-law-enforcement, acting as a sort of agent provocateur, dissuading anyone considering a career as a cop. Daily publishing hyperbolized, flatly false, sensationalistic titles magnetize readers to drink from the trough of propaganda. Never mind facts. Never mind publishing the entire, unedited story. Never mind political strings attached. Never mind journalistic integrity.
I pray for discernment among all viewers. Along with the National Police Association doctrine to set the records straight, various law enforcement agencies contend against biased media portraying cops as the problem.
It truly doesn’t take a PhD to enable critical thinking skills. God-given intuition coupled with deliberate reasoning serves well when we consider circumstances in life.
Intuition signals you when this or that politician is platforming promises, often grandiose and, metaphorically, without legs. Yet this brand of deliverer typically botches things which fester well beyond their term in office. Just look at what NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio leaves in his wake.
There are many elected sorts who have virtually staked their political careers on either altogether eliminating police officers from their enclaves or significantly diminishing the law enforcement role to virtual shackles while anarchy festers.
Enter police recruits and the graduating classes jutting their hands to swear constitutional oaths to fight the good fight!
In my foray to measure the ebb and flow of police badges exiting or prospects entering the criminal justice arena, I am happy to report an array of courageous souls who have bravely engaged and rigorously endured many months of law enforcement training while the tug of war raged on in American society.
As anyone can figure, while regions where anti-cop politicians (and thus their voter-base, activist constituents) baselessly scream about policing in America and feverishly whittle away their public safety assets, police-supporting jurisdictions embracing law and order are naturally realizing better percentages of police applicants.
Reports indicate that cops from anti-cop enclaves have been departing to pro-police jurisdictions. Relatedly, new recruits at police academies are largely among more public safety-conscious counties and states possessing pro-police conviction.
As expected, mass exodus vacancies stemming from backfired anti-police brouhaha spotlights liberal-controlled (destroyed) cities and counties sending up SOS signals laden with pleas to refund the police force. As mentioned above, we are referring to this or that politician platforming promises, often grandiose and, metaphorically, without legs. Now we see egg on face…and they wear it well (deservedly).
Let’s hope the lesson is learned, and that discernment doesn’t take a backseat any longer. Unequivocally, lives were lost due to outlandish decisions from liberal figureheads whose emotions errantly veered the wheel.
While vigilantly watching these now-depleted police forces mindbogglingly enduring crazy-train jurisdictions headed (beheaded?) by reckless politicos, elsewhere…police academy seats are being occupied, even in the face of COVID 2.0. Bravery? Certainly!
Even in one of the worst-case examples where cops have departed from the chaos stirred and fostered by incompetent elected officials, where police officers are continually denigrated by degenerates running amok, the NYPD still fills seats at its massive police academy complex. The latest occurred July 8, 2021, whereby hundreds of police recruits were sworn in before training commencement:

(Photo courtesy of the New York City Police Department.)
Just prior to the latest class to step forward and conquer the challenges ahead, hundreds more cops graduated the NYPD academy in June 2021.
In a metropolis which has been front and center displaying anti-police sentiment, NYPD recruits possess unparalleled intestinal fortitude! And the reallocated funds are the product of defund-turned-refund implications and exceedingly moronic political grenades exploding in faces of archetypical electeds.
I told ya so!
Fascinatingly, some of the recent police academy graduations boasted the largest classes ever in their respective history.
From the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS), which graduated a bunch of new troopers last week, is the following deservedly prideful nugget announcing history-breaking roles:
“DPS commissioned 145 new Texas Highway Patrol Troopers — the largest recruit school graduation in our history and also one of the most diverse. It was a great day celebrating the recruits and their tremendous accomplishments. We are honored to welcome these men and women — selfless public servants — to our ranks. Just a few short weeks until they officially report to their duty stations.”

(Photo courtesy of the Texas Department of Public Safety.)
As the saying goes, Help is on the way!
Thankfully, among us are patriotic Americans who believe in the rule of law and empirical public safety provided by police officers sworn to protect and serve. The resiliency of our country’s cops is astounding and prospective candidates are to be commended for stepping forward to fight the good fight.
The selflessness of former, current, and future law enforcement officers is to behold; perhaps an anti-protection politico can get real, open up, and learn a thing or two. Nonsense contrary to our Constitution has been staring us in the face for far too long, and we owe it to future cops to neuter those who defy public safety and speak against the guardians who carry out the mission of preservation and sanctity for all.
The Tampa Bay Times published an eight-part series chronicling observations of a police academy and a currently enrolled class of recruits. The commentary is intriguing and attests to mindsets about law enforcement in present-day society.
Titled “Who Wants to be a Cop?” reporter Lane DeGregory wrote that “some [recruits] registered for the academy last spring, before George Floyd was killed, before people took to the streets demanding that governments defund the police. They decided to attend anyway.
“Others applied because of those outcries.
“They know they will be insulted, targeted, hated — some critics are openly hostile. But 30 young people signed up for the first class since the pandemic closed the academy.”
Joe Saponare, who heads recruit training at St. Petersburg College’s Law Enforcement Academy, “expected applications to plummet after the protests last year. Instead, he said, more people than ever applied,” DeGregory reported.
Anecdotally, police academy activities are heating up and training for the future. Officially, no database exists to distinguish how many recruits are enduring police training among all the academies across the U.S.
Nevertheless, the roles are filling up and coming to the fore to mitigate myriad matters.
When speaking of his state’s law enforcement officers diligently battling the border chaos caused by liberal-minded “governance” (mismanagement) at federal levels, pro-police Governor Greg Abbott’s keynote speech (at 28:01) coined it well when he recently addressed Texas troopers graduating the academy:
“Whatever the challenge, whatever the danger, [law enforcement officers] consistently answer the call,” adding, they are “the go-to team to protect [communities throughout America]” who are “battling far more than just criminals and criminal activity. We’re also having to battle against an ideology that is hostile to law and order. It’s the ideology to defund police and defund law enforcement wherever that ideology has been adopted.
“Residents have suffered. They suffered from crime waves and looting and even spikes in the murder rate.”
Among other pro-police governors, Mr. Abbott passed legislation against defunding law enforcement in his state. That certainly makes his Lone Star domain much more attractive to prospective cops seeking to launch a law enforcement career. He cinched that factor with this:
“All of us must be part of defeating that [rogue] ideology. And one way to do that is…to show the public what good law enforcement looks like, and what can be accomplished by good law enforcement.” That is a bona fide call to action, and future first responders showed up.
Pointing to all 145 recent police academy graduates, Governor Abbott punctuated: “You all are at the forefront of that mission every single day that you put on your uniform. You can defeat that anti-police ideology by being an example of the value that law enforcement provides to our communities.” That statement was met with applause from a packed house.
Gov. Abbott hit it home, adding, “Whatever the challenge, you all are now a part of a legacy built by heroes,” at which point he referred to a particular academy graduate in the audience…one whose father was slain in the line of duty in April 2019 while serving as a Texas trooper.
Newly minted Texas Trooper Zachary Sanchez was welcomed and honored with applause and standing ovation for overcoming such a tragedy and stepping up exactly as his father did years ago.

(Photo courtesy of the Texas Department of Public Safety.)
Befitting for any current-climate police academy graduation anywhere, USA, Gov. Abbott underscored bravado and courage and selflessness among the latest wave of newly sworn cops, saying, “You have answered a higher calling to protect and preserve” by representing the “next generation” of law enforcement officers “who will tackle the next generation of public safety challenges.”
Incidentally, among the 145 Texas police academy graduates, 22 signed on with “prior law enforcement experience.” I wonder if any of those originated from defund-threatened Austin PD…