It’s happening. The proverbial pendulum is swinging back to constitutional consensus we value as public safety. A standout indicator stems from a ballot item placed in the hearts and souls of citizens of Minneapolis, Minnesota.
In a not-too-close-to-call statistical outcome, Minneapolis residents voted favorably for its cops…denying a wrecking ball to its public-purposed police department.
In a report from KTAR News, a Minneapolis resident cited his concerns and experiences for the community overall, opining on and supporting Minneapolis police presence:
“Everybody says we want the police to be held accountable and we want fair policing. No one has said we need to get rid of the police,” said Black activist and Minneapolis business owner Marques Armstrong. “There needs to be a huge overhaul from the ground up, but we need some form of community safety because over here shots are ringing out day and night.”
Mr. Armstrong is technically correct when he says, “No one has said we need to get rid of police.” The distinction, though, is he seems to encapsulate only citizens, excluding politicos from the equation. Undeniably, the glaring ingredient in this whole reckless ordeal of abandoning public safety professionals is the bugle blast of elected sorts processing propaganda, endangering cops and citizens alike with malignancy-laden invective spewed from cold hearts perched upon political pulpits.
In another pointed view one-lined by a Minneapolis bishop, “We need the police—there’s no other way I can say that.”
As the brief video we just watched indicated, the Minneapolis ballot initiative may serve as the nation’s prequel to other jurisdictions across America, namely those who have been thrust in the would-be indifference involving elected officials and their betrayal of citizen safety/sanctity.
Other anti-cop shills are emerging from their shells…
With egg on government face, Seattle is now offering a whopping $25k to attract law enforcement officers to join the ranks they so thoroughly depleted with their reckless disregard for public safety and illogical social justice ideologies. Although $25k is handsome, the government who now does an about-face is still the same one which willingly decimated the police force and, in turn, imperiled the citizens who foot the bill via tax dollars. May be quite difficult (and understandable) for any cop anywhere to accept the offer. History repeats itself and all that.
Among several news articles and videos pertaining to Seattle offering big bucks to attract new cops, Mayor Jenny Durkan pins the tail on vaccine mandates as the cause of the exodus of Seattle police officers, not the since-failed grotesque defund-the-police movement. Politicians!
A new body of governance, one with a different political position, may have a better chance at rebuilding the police force (and city), but that certainly requires the voter base to take blinders off, put thinking caps on, and refrain from being easily swayed rah-rah followers.
An example of winds of change with emphasis on law enforcement support is, albeit pending a political victory, Denver, Colorado police Cheif James Craig hanging up his badged cap and donning gubernatorial garb.
A most recent glimmer of the tides changing in (for) the blue sea is the widely watched Virginia gubernatorial race in a state that has significantly hamstrung law enforcement under outgoing governor “blackface.”
Illustrating typical liberal sore loser fashion, Texas conservative Congressman Dan Crenshaw served up the following indicator illustrating the enormously biased/liberal media treating folks as fools with no eyes.

(Photo courtesy of Texas Congressman Dan Crenshaw.)
“Too close to call”? Nah, just showing decrepit journalism and the hands who hijack truth, suffocate substance, and skew everything to their favor.
Writing for Fox News, Bailee Hill offered, “Many analysts suggest Youngkin’s win could be a prelude for midterms in 2022, as many critics across the nation have grown disgruntled over Democratic policies regarding crime, the economy, and parental influence in education.”
In her interview process, Hill reported a consensus which one Youngkin voter cited on behalf of many: “Supporting police is a big thing for me,” said Eric Potter, a college student in Virginia. Backing and funding police is one of Youngkin’s principal ideologies.
Despite the stark reality that there remain some forms of local governance still doing dopey things, such as Philadelphia curtailing cops from enforcing certain “minor traffic” laws in Pennsylvania statute books —put there by lawmakers for the sake of public safety— the “City of Brotherly Love” contradicts their own thematic sentimental statement by taking the stance of separation, going against the grain of firm handshakes universally symbolic of working together toward solidifying results equating to crime reduction and victimization.
Philadelphia City Councilman Isaiah Thomas offered the following reasoning for curbing cops: “Traffic stops are traumatic for drivers and scary for police officers. Limiting them makes everyone safer and communities stronger.”
Mr. Thomas added that “driving equality reinforces that public safety can be achieved with other methods than traffic stops.”
That’s it, ostensibly failing to bear in mind the criminality mobilized by cars. Cops stopping cars stems from unlawfulness and/or unsafe operations imperiling motorists and pedestrians. What about the statistical certainty that the vast majority of traffic stops transpire with civility, reiterations of driver safety offered by police officers, and dividends of overall public safety?
It’s another occasion of political figures deciding to treat a paper cut like a hemorrhaging wound…acting as if a hiccup requires CPR…grandstanding where there is zero need yet striving to stay relevant so as to attract and retain funds and fiefdoms.
Instead of the feeble theatrics, politicos ought to simply shake the hand of a cop, have a chat about real-life policing, arrange a ride-along to dispel widespread myths, and author policy in line with truth and reality.
Looking at another metropolis whose police force has taken the brunt and brute of anti-cop propaganda, Gotham just acquired a new leader in former NYPD policeman Eric Adams. At a full-house restaurant on Tuesday night, while extending gratitude for his mayoral victory, he publicly exclaimed his disgust at City Hall “dysfunction” under the reign of outgoing anti-cop Mayor Bill de Blasio.
Pertaining to law enforcement, Mr. Adams claimed his intent on conducting a “reset” with respect to police/community relations—the proverbial handshake among honorable people trying to achieve great things.
We shall see if promises made are promises kept…
With police cohorts still serving in the much-maligned NYPD, I reserve time to see if the new Hizzoner’s words are actioned and resemble success. Known for having been a “mediocre at best” NYC cop and more of a self-serving politician (redundancy), time will tell if he is true to his word or demonstrates the internal judgments against him are suited.
As the tides ebb and flow, one of the most boneheaded maneuvers anti-cop governments took was to vacate school resource officers from educational campuses. Removing cops from academic environs which are often centered in the reticles of radicals armed with firepower, targeting children to satiate their psychotic bases, mind-boggled many. Unimaginable, but the social justice cheerleaders jacked up on baseless whims did do horrendous things…rendering routinely protected populations utterly vulnerable to perils.
Staying true blue with respect to ideals of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness was calligraphed for us all long ago. Nowadays, some may push the envelope and color outside the lines of equitable interpretations (among other names, politician is most common).
Upon NPA pages are myriad examples of how cops are baselessly maligned and how their sheer dedication to duty unfurls in abundant episodes of fantastic feats, among which are deployments of duty resulting in saved lives.
There is no denying our nation’s law enforcement institution absorbed some unrelenting battering and impacts in recent years involving political sway and caustic condemnation stemming from misguided souls mesmerized by reckless hypnotism known for ideological idiocy. Yet, since time immemorial, good versus evil wages on…and those on the thin blue line are best to attest.
Although pendulums are known for swaying to and fro, a meeting-in-the-middle mindset is the most equitable position for all to take, from which the constitutional tenets are far more achievable.