There is a multitude of questions on the psychological examination process every police officer candidate must endure, so any discrepancies in personality generally surface for police psychologists to render acceptable or questionable. In that context, imagine the pure heart comprising America’s public safety servants fulfilling the hearts of others!
Whereas mainstream media has largely taken to slandering the law enforcement institution, such as the Border Patrol agents falsely and prejudicially condemned for allegations of abuse where there were none, and scarcely illustrate myriad great deeds performed by cops all around our beautiful country, we do not wish to mimic the likes of CNN and that ilk.
In keeping with NPA’s mission of Educating Supporters of Law Enforcement, the hard, time-consuming part is culling through thousands of eye-opening, poignant episodes of cops from all corners of the United States performing compassionately on behalf of innumerable citizens. The easy part is letting pictures speak for themselves.
For public safety professionals, the limelight is not desired. Pleased citizens are.
And not all circumstances engendering the police involve humans, thus it goes well beyond the roughly 333,000,000 US Census population and probabilities for cops to serve and protect. Exponentially, there is much more to meet the eye.
On that note, take a gaze at this altruistic scenario involving a Tennessee Highway Patrol trooper and an injured dog on the side of the road, baking in intense heat (pictured above), scared out of its wits, all exacerbated by traffic zooming by.
From a passing motorist named Kaye Fiorello, we learn of one among many similar stories involving cops and maimed, frightened animals hoping for caring and compassionate hands to come along:
“I was driving up [Interstate] 75 and saw the trooper in the turnout…checked my speed: Oh, I’m good, I thought to myself. A few minutes later, I see a dog in the ditch by one of the signs for exit 20. She looked bad. I was in the left lane, heading to an appointment, and was torn. I decided I would go back southbound and risk a ticket by going to the turnout.
“I turned in and the trooper was still there! Yay! He rolled down his window and said ‘Yep! I’m here,’ to which I told him about the dog and added that I didn’t want a ticket, but if I could help that dog, it was fine by me. He just asked where the dog was and was on his way!
“I followed and we found her. Still there, panting like she was fixing to die.
“That trooper dumped out his jug of Kool-Aid and fashioned a water bowl for her. Then poured a couple bottles of water. The dog was scared of him, but frozen in weakness. She sniffed the water, then realized this kindness was for her! She drank that water down in minutes! And the trooper went and got her some more, plus a Little Debbie. She watched him warily the whole time. She sniffed his hand but was still wary.
“Next thing, he goes to his vehicle and gets a chair and an umbrella. Telling me he will stay here until she trusts him, so he can get her to a shelter, or take her home. I believe his being there at the right time, was one of those little messages reminding us of the good in our world. Meet Trooper Tudors, of the TN State Highway Patrol. One of the good guys for sure.”
(Photo courtesy of Kaye Fiorello.)
That is a valuable nugget of typical police work, but there’s more, and it has an obscure backstory regarding the limitations we put on cops and how they are overcome…this time with the help of a Good Samaritan named Kaye who coined all this uplifting stuff a “Godwink.” Divine intervention…
You see, they were able to arrange safe transport (Cleveland, TN, Animal Control officers) for the injured animal to a veterinary hospital. There, after a veterinarian assessed the female dog’s injuries, a care plan was set. A costly one.
After they got the canine admitted to the animal hospital, Ms. Fiorello and Trooper Tudors learned that the dog had “some internal issues and a broken pelvis.”
Per Community Animal Hospital whose staff triaged the dog: “She was struck by a vehicle and sustained head trauma and possible hip and pelvis fracture. Also, heat exhaustion.”
Ms. Fiorello explained that a rather obscure detail prohibited Trooper Tudors from receiving any donated funds to fulfill the veterinary care tab. In law enforcement circles, as a matter of policy, sworn officers are not permitted to receive “gratuities.”
Check, Please…
I often reiterate how cops can be a resourceful bunch, in so many ways. As far as a police agency’s gratuities policy, the ethical workaround suited everyone. For instance, whenever police officers find the time to take a “meal break” at an eatery and are offered an unsolicited complimentary meal, cops determine what the tab is and leave that entire amount, plus tip, for the server. Back to our story…
Since Trooper Tudors could not receive any form of donated funds for the injured canine’s care, Ms. Fiorello took the wheel: she determined and announced that the veterinary practice where the dog was transported had an “Angel Fund.”
Per Ms. Fiorello: “Because the Trooper cannot accept donations, and because so many asked, the vet that has been taking great care of her” has an Angel Fund “to offset the costs for continued care for Princess.”
Here’s another Godwink: “Anything in excess of her bill will be held if she might need more, and then what [funding] remains will be used for another case like hers. The wonderful folks at Community Animal Hospital extend their thanks!”
Dollars were donated for the dog’s rehabilitative objectives.
With the costs relatively covered, waiting and hoping for successful recuperation was next. Another Godwink ensued…
On June 23, 2022, Ms. Fiorello provided an exhilarating update: “Guess who got adopted! And Guess who adopted her! ‘Princess’ will join the Tudors family when she gets out of the vet hospital! YES! Trooper Tudors and his family have adopted her.”
For Tennessee Highway Patrol Trooper Tudors, Ruthie West made sure this noble law enforcement officer, and this wonderful Godwink bringing parties together for the good of all, received recognition and praise via social media.
From the way this story unfolded to its fur-loving finale, she wrote, “Little girl just hit the family lottery! Best days of her life coming soon… thank you sir for your service to our great state and for being a great steward for one of God’s creatures…I appreciate anyone who serves our underdogs…children…elderly and creatures…you are awesome sir!”
The Little Things
Indeed, it is the little things: Like Ms. Fiorello observing a creature needing urgent rescue, turning around to do something about it.
Like her willingness to risk a traffic ticket so as to launch the animal rescue.
Like Trooper Tudors unhesitatingly jumping into action.
Like Trooper Tudors garnering rapport with a scared, pained animal…by offering water and umbrella-shade, then waiting for animal control officers to adequately transport Princess to the veterinary facility.
Like Princess fighting back and recuperating well…so that her new adoptive family can lavish her with love and compassion. Maybe a beefy treat here and there.
As we said at the start of this story, pure heart comprising America’s public safety servants fulfills the hearts of others!
This is but one nugget among the goldmine cultivated by cops. It is no wonder that what cops do that may seem like small measures are rather large things in the lives they serve. Godwinks galore…