By Steve Pomper
Two incidents occurred recently that deserve as much attention as they can get. In one, a Moss Point, Mississippi police officer jumped into a river to save three girls from drowning—then something unexpected happened. In the other, a police officer from Louisville, Kentucky, saved the life of a seven-day-old infant who’d stopped breathing.
In the first incident, three girls were driving in a car when the driver went off a boat ramp, plunging into the Pascagoula River. According to FOX News, “The teen driver of the vehicle told police that she was following her GPS and didn’t realize she was heading toward the water. After crashing into the river, the vehicle floated about 20 feet and began to sink. The three teen girls escaped to the roof of the sinking vehicle.”
Moss Point Officer Gary Mercer arrived at the scene, “removed his ballistic vest and duty belt…,” and swam out to rescue the girls. While attempting to bring one girl to shore, she panicked and pulled the officer under, causing him to gulp a mouthful of water, which affected his breathing.
As WAFB 9 News reported, 16-year-old Corion Evans had also seen what happened. He told WLOX, “They drove straight under the water. Like, only a little bit of the car was still above the water.’” Evans, who said he’s been swimming since he was three, shucked his shirt and shoes “and jumped in.”
Evans said he was swimming behind two of the girls, helping to keep them afloat as necessary. After he got them to shore, he explained, “I turned around. I see the police officer. He’s drowning. He’s going underwater, drowning, saying, ‘Help!’ Evans said. ‘So, I went over there. I went and I grabbed the police officer and I’m like swimming him back.’”
According to the Moss Point PD press release, “Officer Mercer… was able to get the female to shore, where Mr. Corion Evans assisted them both out of the water.”
Officer Mercer and the girls were treated and released from a local hospital. Mercer was expected back on duty soon.
FOX also reported both Officer Mercer and Evans received commendations from Moss Point Chief of Police Brandon Ashley for jumping in to save the girls. Of Evans’ actions, Ashley said, “If Mr. Evans had not assisted, the situation could have turned out differently, instead of all occupants being rescued safely.”
This event showed two important things for Americans to see after being bombarded by anti-cop everything, recently. One, a cop disregarded his personal safety to save three young girls trapped on top of a sinking car that had plunged into the river. And an impressive young man put his safety aside to rescue not only those young girls, but also to help a police officer in trouble.
The next incident involves seven-day-old baby “Emma” who might not be alive today if not for the swift actions of Louisville Metropolitan Police Department (LMPD) Officers Noah Cole and Nick Greene.
According to WCVB 5 News, “A 1-week-old baby who had stopped breathing outside a Kentucky gas station is doing well thanks to the heroic actions of a Louisville Metro Police officer, according to the police department’s Facebook page” [link added].
Who says there’s never a cop around when you need one? The two officers were inside the gas station when a man ran inside, panicked, saying his baby wasn’t breathing. The officers ran out to the lot where they saw the baby’s mother, equally panicked, holding her lifeless, newborn daughter.
On Officer Cole’s bodycam, you can see him and Officer Greene sprint from the gas station toward the mom and her motionless baby as they stood outside their red pickup truck. Officer Cole calls for medics while Officer Greene takes the baby and begins “performing [gentle] ‘back blows’ on Emma.”
After a few tries, Emma begins breathing, at which her mother’s relief is palpable on the video. The father and the two LMPD officers were also clearly relieved. As she cries out, Officer Greene says, “There we go. There we go. There we go…, before telling his partner the situation is under control.” Officer Cole then tells the dispatcher they got the baby breathing while Officer Greene hands Emma back to her mom.
The Daily Mail reported that Emma’s family said the baby and her family were “home, happy, and healthy.” The Mail also reported both officers had joined the only LMPD last year.