That astounding and deplorable factor came out during a Fox News panel discussion regarding the 45 people shot throughout the weekend of August 6-8, 2021.
By now you are aware that among the 45 victims were two Chicago police officers, one of whom, Officer Ella French, perished after being raced to the trauma hospital by a few beat cops in a marked cruiser. Officer Carlos Yanez, a second Chicago cop shot by the same firearm used during the same traffic stop at 6300 block of South Bell Street in Chicago, is still clinging to life in a hospital gurney.
In a recent, raw Fox News analyses, four broadcasters, one of whom attested his sister in Chicago was victimized at gunpoint the prior weekend, placed the blame exactly where it belonged: at the feet of Mayor Lori Lightfoot and over the head of Chicago prosecutor Kim Foxx (Jussie Smollett fame) for willy-nilly releasing 25,000 felons (including murderers), solidly implying why the shortage of GPS monitoring devices (ankle bracelets).
Soft on crime? It’s rhetorical.
Cops are not the problem. It’s definitive.
It’s a numbing factor to hear a live news broadcast cite that Chicago is “running out of ankle bracelets,” an unambiguous statement made to underscore the rampancy of unloosing hostile criminals among law-abiding citizens and cops who must deal with these miscreants…thanks to a dysfunctional justice system and elected officials who are reckless-minded, rogue, and mere fiefdom-fillers on the taxpayer’s dole.
Components of the out-of-control machinations in Chicago governance are part-and-parcel for their non-discreet implicit bias, from the county prosecutor’s office to some of the judges comfortably warming benches.
While the former has reportedly flung the jail gates open for largely violent individuals, liberating them to menace society, one of the latter very recently stayed true to social justice warrior principles by giving a free pass to a figure whose complicit role was to garner the gun given to the shooter of Officers French and Yanez.
How does one wrap the mind around that? How do we unpack the reality of such an atrocity? Whether Officer Ella French was murdered and her police partner nearly killed by any of these three does not change the fact that Chicago remains out of control.
In that brief video you just watched, a segment portraying the cop killer’s mother claiming “little Johnny” didn’t do what he is charged with, declared there is a whole other side. I get a parent coming to the defense of their offspring, but reality always comes knocking.
For example, per the Daily Mail, “An alleged cop killer was freed on bond following a hit and run four months before the murder – despite being on probation for robbery at the time of the collision.
“Emonte Morgan, 21, who police say fatally shot French during a traffic stop last Saturday, has been connected to a hit-and-run case from April in which a walker was struck in a crosswalk and sent flying against a stop sign.
“According to ABC 7, Morgan didn’t stop driving until he struck a parked car nearly a mile and a half away. He was freed on a personal recognizance bond in the wake of the hit and run – despite being on probation for a 2019 robbery conviction at the time.
“Morgan was still free at the time of French’s death, sparking questions about the city’s soft justice, as Mayor Lori Lightfoot is shunned by Windy City cops.” Morgan’s mother was right: there is another side, although I am sure she has a different (biased) scope.
There’s more.
According to a CBS Chicago report even the supplier of the firearm used to murder Officer French and almost kill Officer Yanez found kid gloves in Chicago’s justice system: “Judge Orders Release of Jamel Danzy, Accused Straw Purchaser of Gun Used in Slaying of Officer Ella French,” clearly adding to the tally of criminal freedoms in that county.
Not only was Mr. Danzy freed, he didn’t have to pony up a single cent!
Per CBS Chicago reporter Charlie De Mar, “With the bond being unsecured, Danzy did not have to put up any money to be released – though he was ordered not to have any contact with Eric Morgan.”
If you’re jarred by any of this (I sure am), imagine how Chicago police officers feel. The surreal nature of it all is stupefying. This level of chronic chaos is not new to Chicago cops and citizens, and it is all exacerbated by the defund the police movement.
At what point does Congress convene a January 6-like series of hearings to understand and preclude any further violence upon scores of citizens in a metropolis known for unrelenting anarchy despite their tough gun laws?
So as not to single out Chicago, and in keeping with the national Police Association doctrine of bringing you fact-based information via experiences of staff who spent careers as cops, observing the inexplicable dysfunctional state of the system, recent reports out of Texas indicate impeachment processes are underway…with several soft-handed judges as targets.
Via Texas gubernatorial bidder Allen West’s site west4texas.com, “A Call to Begin Impeachment Trials on Three Harris County Judges” has commenced, and it clarifies that the thrust to unseat these judiciary figures stems from their propensity to release violent criminals back to a free society.
Mr. West wrote, “Harris County has seen a dramatic increase in violent and habitual offenders released on low cash bonds and personal recognizance bonds, which is a real and present danger to Texans.”
Citing one example by one such judge, West reported, “In May 2021, Judge Natalie Cornelio gave habitual felon Randal Boyd Burton, a man with over 20 felony convictions, a personal recognizance bond. On Sunday, while Burton was out of jail on this free bond, he fired a gun at Precinct Four deputies. The deputies were able to return fire and kill Burton.”
The Texan also reported on the “several Harris County criminal court judges [impeachable] over the release of habitual violent suspects on multiple bonds.”
These are just two of a number of jurisdictions in America containing some prosecutorial and judicial officials who are ostensible contrarians with regard to public safety.
Without digging deep into the political soil, a brief statement written by Texas reporter Holly Hansen summed it up well: “Local leaders from both sides of the political aisle have identified suspect release policies used by many state district felony court judges as a contributing factor to the problem [of increased crime].”
Well, it’s about time!
Now let’s get busy unseating these tyrants and bleeding-heart individuals depositing mayhem and malice back on American streets.
Let’s close with deserved recognition for Chicago police dispatcher Keith Thornton who, despite the typical yet understandable chaos on police frequencies when “Officer down!” is transmitted, exercised excellent control with circumstances most humans cannot imagine: What you are about to hear (especially at the 06:05 mark) is sensitive, graphic dialogue echoing the very stark reality of what cops potentially encounter when they suit up for duty.
In the aftermath, Mr. Thornton said that what you just heard was “one of the hardest shifts of my entire police career.”
Whether Cook County, Illinois truly ran out of ankle bracelets or not, one certainty is that Chicago PD’s cops are embattled, their governance is direly in need of replacement, and severely depleted police ranks increases the dangers for those who still show up to fight the good fight.
The beat goes on…