By Steve Pomper I recently wrote about the increased risk to folks in Washington State now that the Democrat-controlled legislature has passed anti-police, disguised as “police accountability,” bills into law (with only Democrat support: 32-0). According to law enforcement officials and cops on the streets, these laws are wreaking havoc making it so officers must figure Read more »
By Steve Pomper The city of Seattle has a long history of violating Seattle Police Department (SPD) police officers’ rights. The city does not support cops’ right to free speech or free thought. They have routinely abridged the rights of officers to express opinions (off duty), to attend political rallies free from harassment, and they have Read more »
By Steve Pomper While no one wants bad cops going from one jurisdiction to another, we also don’t want good officers sacrificed on the altar of wokeness. And we know what the radical left’s definition of “bad” cop is: all cops. It could be illustrative to contrast two public employee groups: public education and public safety Read more »
By Steve Pomper The radical left has done a belly flop into political quicksand by championing policies despised by most Americans. They tried to hedge their bets with H1, the so-called, For the People Act of 2021 (more like, For the Democrats Act), but Americans are getting increasingly wise to their repeated power grift. The one Read more »
By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D Crime rates have always been a target of debate and manipulation. The dramatic increase in violent crime in selected locations around the country has anti-police voices choking on their twisted logic. More crime? Must be all the guns that have been sold! Must be because of corrupt police! Must Read more »
By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D Abolishing law enforcement has been a topic in some academic circles for decades. It seemed so ludicrous to those outside the ivory towers where ideas are churned about that no one in the real world gave any attention to the threat that the idea of ridding America of police Read more »
By Steve Pomper Sometimes it takes violent crime—murder often qualifies—to prompt action from a politicians. But, as we saw with Seattle Mayor Jenny “Summer of Love” Durkan, who presided over the infamous CHOP/CHAZ (true) insurrection (with real guns and everything), with some “leaders” even a murder or two isn’t enough to extract action from a government. The Seattle Read more »
By Steve Pomper It’s difficult to remain optimistic when there is so much horrible news for American cops in so many blue jurisdictions. Fortunately, red cities, counties, and states remain havens for the multitude of thin-blue-line refugees (a different blue) fleeing their agencies. FOX News Channel’s Laura Ingraham recently showed what one red state sheriff’s office is Read more »
By Steve Pomper The federal and many state legislatures are busy “improving” policing by passing law enforcement “reforms” to address radical leftist’s myths. So, with laws passed, how is “woke” “working” for cops on the streets? In my department, this crap has been going on for a long time thanks to a bogus federal consent decree. Read more »
By Steve Pomper An Indiana police officer is doing what so many more cancel culture victims—cops and non-cops—should be doing: devictimizing themselves by pushing back. Turn it around on those who attempt to “cancel” them. Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Officer De’Joure Mercer has filed a lawsuit against the NFL for defamation. As Susan Ziegler at puts it, Read more »