Commonwealth of Virginia’s Climb Back to Criminal Justice Sanity Continues

State Police Announce ‘Reorganization’ Due to ‘Changing Demands of the Public Safety Environment’

By Stephen Owsinski Late at night on June 10, 2022, a public information officer (PIO) with the Maine State Police published a press release announcing forthcoming major changes in the law enforcement agency’s infrastructure stemming from “changing demands of the public safety environment.” Department of Public Safety PIO Shannon Moss outlined plans to implement midnight-shift Read more »

Zero Defects: The Quest for Perfection

By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D Can a police officer get through a shift without making a mistake? If so, can they sustain that perfection for a career? How about a physician, a factory worker, a teacher, or an engineer? We accept mistakes as part of life. That’s why we have so many safeguards in Read more »

Ride-Alongs Not Just Along for the Ride

By Stephen Owsinski Those interested in law enforcement sometimes take advantage of ride-along programs offered by police agencies, but the reasons for doing so vary. Generally, on paper, the self-explanatory term for ride-along is “civilian observer,” and the applications to partner with a cop in a police cruiser entail the words “Hold-Harmless” in capitalized block Read more »

Surplus Military Equipment Safeguards Police Lives at Standoff

By Stephen Owsinski Despite the naysayers who believe “scary” surplus military equipment provided to America’s law enforcement agencies ought to be banned forever, one of the latest barricaded subject standoffs illustrates the usefulness of armored apparatus, especially protecting cops extraordinarily well while they defuse situations. In the San Carlos Park community in Lee County, Florida, Read more »

Law-Enforcement Legacies and Handing-In Tin

By Stephen Owsinski I didn’t plan on writing about fresh recruits populating America’s police academies, then writing on veteran law enforcement officers concluding cop careers, but the latter group kept showing up lately. Bravo to all of them! Having been there, handing in their tin shield highlights finales for cops who survived the mean streets Read more »

Within the Crime Scene Tape

By Stephen Owsinski “Let’s go to the tape” is a famous line coined by legendary sports broadcaster Howard Cosell. In policing, it has a different tone and meaning. “No one through this tape who doesn’t have an official investigative role” is a line used by police supervisors and/or lead detectives working on horrific events created Read more »

‘Pastors on Patrol’ Tending to First Responders

By Stephen Owsinski The most severe facet among America’s law enforcement officers is the constancy of responding to acts of human depravity and absorbing society’s ugly side. If only our species were coated by Teflon… As humans with emotional capacity, events in our lives tend to sway, sometimes making our thoughts seem like cliffhangers…with no Read more »