Mayor Inserts Sanity into Homelessness Crisis: Enforcement First

Mayor Inserts Sanity into Homelessness Crisis: Enforcement First

By Steve Pomper  It’s easy for us to retreat to our political factions regarding responses to increasing crime, but it should be more than that. Cops serving in blue jurisdictions want to enforce the laws equally when addressing homelessness, addiction, and mental illness-related street crime. Unfortunately, many blue city leaders won’t allow cops to enforce the Read more »

Law Enforcement Avid Social Media Presence Helps Preempt Victimization, Save Lives

By Stephen Owsinski Despite the growing resentment toward social media outlets and their seeming penchant for censorship, control, politicization, and grand manipulation, online data often provides the benefits of intelligence, insights, and clues for law enforcement agencies to preempt bad actors whose e-messaging telegraphs events in the realm of catastrophe and deviancy. One recent example Read more »

Billionaire Visionary Elon Musk Investing in Law Enforcement

By Stephen Owsinski As for billionaire Warren Buffett, folks follow his every move when it comes to wisdom, experience, and carefully considered investments amounting to unfathomable wealth. Similarly, people lean in when it comes to billionaire Elon Reeve Musk and what he is up to. Musk is known for industrial innovations and redefining boundaries when Read more »

Felonious Fugitives Ignored for Political Favor

By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D. According to the ICE website, in fiscal year 2020, the 287(g) program encountered approximately 920 aliens convicted for assault, 1,261 convicted for dangerous drugs, 104 convicted for sex offenses/assaults, 377 convicted for obstructing police, 190 convicted for weapon offenses, and 37 convicted for homicide. Despite being largely responsible for Read more »

Cops get anti-bias training on the job

By Steve Pomper  I’m no poet, but I occasionally attempt to compose a bit of verse and it was typically, mercifully, was only self-inflicted. Poems work better when an experience strikes me in a way prose or exposition is not quite up to the job of conveying my sentiments accurately or efficiently. An experience I had earlier in Read more »