Small Number of Offenders Magnify Crime

Small Number of Offenders Magnify Crime

By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D Like a white dot on a field of black, our attention is inevitably drawn to the outlier, the loudest, the brightest flash, and the thing that creates the most fear and unknown. We are built like that because noticing things that are out of place has survival value to Read more »

Police News Roundup – How was your week?

By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D Summertime and the living is dangerous. In Hillsborough County, a corrections deputy was being strangled by an inmate using a towel around her neck. She was saved when other inmates intervened. In California, two El Monte police officers responded to a possible stabbing at a motel and came under Read more »

Why Reporting Crime Matters

By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D “The cops won’t do anything anyway”, “There’s no chance I’ll get my stolen property back”, “I hate to bother the police, they have more important things to worry about”. Those are some of the many reasons crimes go unreported. The crime rates that the average American hears about are Read more »

The Alphabet Soup

By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D When in Washington D.C. or watching newsworthy events on television, it may be hard to keep up with what agency is attending to what event. The plain-clothes and secret agents with law enforcement tasks can’t always be spotted with the ubiquitous earphones and wrist microphones, but they are there! Read more »

What Does the Vicky White Tell Us About Corrections Officers?

By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D The dramatic escape of Casey White made possible by her lover, Corrections Officer Vicky White, has focused attention on the field of corrections. Are corrections officers law enforcement officers? These men and women do enforce the laws, even if their citizenry is behind walls, fences, and bars. Their citizens Read more »

Should a Retired Cop Carry or Not Carry a Firearm

By Steve Pomper   Your law enforcement agency has promoted you to the lofty rank of retired cop. So, it’s time to let down your guard, right? Wrong! While you may no longer have a target on your chest (badge) every day or intentionally place yourself in dangerous situations, danger can still find you. I’ve long Read more »

Cayce Police Chief: ‘He Murdered Our Officer!’

By Stephen Owsinski With the rampancy of depraved minds preying on and killing cops, there have been stellar police executives handling matters and proving precisely why they are law enforcement leaders. Cayce, SC police Chief Chris Cowan is among the latest examples. You’ve heard of “the cop’s cop.” Chief Cowan is one of them. While Read more »

A Landscape of Fear – Letting the Wolves Out

By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D In ecological studies, the behavior of animals based on the behavior of their predators is described as a landscape of fear. The term and concept is part of the conversation regarding the increasing wolf population. In an excerpt of The Wolf’s Tooth by Cristina Eisenberg in Scientific American magazine, Read more »