By Stephen Owsinski Before, during, and after Hurricane Helene barreled through several southeastern states, flattening and flooding many towns and cities, leaving apocalyptic remnants in her wake and lives unaccounted for, police search-and-rescue task forces mobilized and trudged through the muck and utter devastation. Despite their senses for sleuthing and uber training in specialized gear, Read more »
By Steve Pomper Texas Rangers badge 1948, Photo (Public Domain Wiki Media To even my keel with all this anti-police messaging coming from certain quarters (including the insult of those feigning political amnesia and are now pretending to be pro-police), I thought I’d divert into a topic I find interesting that both cop and non-cop readers Read more »
By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D Perhaps no more optimistic harbinger of the end of the pendulum swing of anti-police sentiment is NYPD’s decision to change the slogan on their marked patrol cars from “Courtesy, Professionalism, Respect” to “Fighting Crime, Protecting The Public.” Hallelujah! Why is that a big deal? Because the policing profession needs Read more »
By Stephen Owsinski Every year, July 1 is a day when respective states’ new legislative actions take the stage for showtime. Typically, a bevy of new statutes bloats the books, with some influenced by national trends creating havoc for citizens and first responders alike. Swatting, Squatting, and Safe Exchange spaces to conduct child custody transitions Read more »
The National Police Association (NPA) stands strong defending law enforcement, protecting the rights of officers, their supporters, and the public. With your help, the NPA can continue its critical work, including legal advocacy, supporting the police, and educating the public through media and publications. Your donation empowers the NPA to push back against anti-police rhetoric, Read more »
By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D Have you bought a federally regulated gas can lately? The required safety features seem to include the inability to actually get gasoline poured from it. It takes more machinations than an arthritic trying to open the bottle to their pain pills. We can complain about the government being a Read more »
By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D In September of 2023 Colorado parole officer Christine Guerin Sandoval was joined by other law enforcement officers to serve an arrest warrant on Justin Kula for violating his parole after being released from prison just seven months earlier. Kula, claiming that he thought he was being robbed, fled from Read more »
By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D Yes that magical time of the smell of refreshing rains, the chirping of birds returning to the budding trees, and tender flowers pushing their way through the thawing soil. It’s also time for gang members to pick up some extra cash for not committing crime. Of course they have Read more »
By Steve Pomper Alderwood residents outraged at company attempting to locate opioid clinic into building near Little League fields and Boys & Girls Club An opiod clinic just opened in the Alderwood neighborhood of Lynnwood, WA. a suburb north of Seattle. It seems that everyone opposed to Acadia Healthcare’s apparent stealthy ramming of an opioid treatment center near Read more »
By Stephen Owsinski It is a bittersweet testament that many newer police memorials tributing our fallen law enforcement officers were emplaced during an unprecedented wave of historic statues being fastidiously toppled all around our nation. In many ways, times and national tempo have drastically changed which, by virtue of public safety vows, increased societal perils Read more »