By Steve Pomper There was an interesting recent discussion on a national social media cop page. One member noticed in his area there were more campaign signs for one presidential campaign than for another. He wanted to know what the sign comparison was in other parts of the country. Officers from around the nation began letting Read more »
Cops and Kids Together Display the Heart and Soul of Community Relations During Anti-Police Blitz
By Stephen Owsinski If anyone is chronically marking a calendar for each day anarchy rears its ugly dome, the letter X is likely getting lotsa play. Baseless, unruly behavior persists. Political pundits lob low blows at each other while Americans endure a pandemic rife with uncertainty. Social media channels plunge seemingly surreal hubbub at us Read more »
Police Aren’t a Cost, They Are an Investment
By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D. The only thing more expensive to a community than funding a police department is not having an adequately funded police department. September’s hurricane Sally hit Alabama with an estimated destruction cost of 3 billion dollars. Like an unexpected storm, estimates from rioting related to the George Floyd in-custody death Read more »
NYPD Cops Discouraged by Poor Political Leadership and Anti-Police Climate Make Moves Elsewhere
By Stephen Owsinski For anyone to understand how a NYPD cop can tolerate the tenor of a constantly anti-police climate rife with crime, just know it is not necessarily only the criminal element which is placing too much weight on the camel’s back. No one joins the largest police department in the country thinking it Read more »
Federal, State, and Local Cops Continue to Rescue Children Across the Nation
By Steve Pomper The year, 2020, is kicking our butts as a nation, especially with some politicians who are determined to make it as difficult as possible, while others try to return our nation to some semblance of normality. Through it all, America’s law enforcement officers keep doing what they do: helping to keep Americans Read more »
‘Brotherhood Ride’ Cycles 500 Miles Through Florida in Honor of Fallen Public Safety Heroes
By Stephen Owsinski This past week the rubber hit the roadways in Florida as a phalanx of red, white, and blue-clad bicyclists traversed through Sunshine State cities until they chronicled 500 miles of trekking in honor of fallen police officers, firefighters and EMS technicians. This band of brothers on bicycles were dedicated members of the Read more »
Should police be defunded and if so what will be the result?
Sgt. Betsy Brantner Smith (Ret.) joined Christina Bobb on OANN to push back against ‘reimagining police’ and the ‘defund the police’ movement.
Should Law Enforcement Continue to Have Valuable Tools Taken Away?
By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D. In their rush to claim credit for police reform, many states have banned the “choke hold” , tear gas on rioters, and “military” grade equipment. These measures are more likely to get more citizens hurt as well as police officers, because the equipment and techniques are valuable assets in Read more »
Citizen Complaint: Cop Holds Unholstered Gun in Lap in Patrol Car
By Steve Pomper It’s not unusual to see a butcher holding a knife or a carpenter holding a hammer while not technically using them. Someone could kill a person with both, right? But, sadly, guns in the hands of police officers have become things of evil—even if in the context there is no threat. Recently, Read more »
Biden: “Antifa is an idea not an organization”. So who threw that brick?
By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D. We can’t pick on Joe Biden for quoting FBI Director Chris Wray, but we can look for some context. Ask the business owner whose building and livelihood was burned out by arson, or the police officer struck by a brick, whether antifa is “a thing” or not. Director Wray Read more »