For anyone to understand how a NYPD cop can tolerate the tenor of a constantly anti-police climate rife with crime, just know it is not necessarily only the criminal element which is placing too much weight on the camel’s back. No one joins the largest police department in the country thinking it will be a smooth beat to patrol, with nary an issue. No, NYPD police officers are neck-high in the needless muck made and perpetuated by asinine elected officials “governing” Gotham. Now, many of the city’s finest are making moves to finer pastures because of unrelenting political perversions.
Per a recent report in Newsday, the NYPD is experiencing mass retirements equating to the lowest sworn strength numbers in one decade.
NYPD Police Commissioner Dermot Shea commented candidly, saying, “It’s going to get worse before it gets better. We are seeing significant attrition.” That would seem to be a no-brainer with all the chaos in a metropolis rife with anti-police sentiments and governance by goofballs fueling vitriolic rhetoric, herding sheep who unquestionably follow lies against the police.
With that, human nature kicks in, leading NYPD’s Finest to maintain self-respect while making considerations for themselves and their loved ones. In short: One can only endure so much, compelling alternatives in life.
The New York Daily News called this mass exodus a “Blue flight.”
The exodus numbers are indicative of what we have been witnessing in major cities literally and figuratively battered by anarchistic behaviors and anti-police rhetoric fanned by city leaders. And the police contingents confronting daily woes are understandably tired and worn.
“From January 1 through October 6, some 2,171 officers retired, an increase of over 72% from the same period in 2019, at a time when the city is facing a number of major crime challenges, officials say. An additional 2,385 officers have filed for retirement, meaning they are awaiting approval from the pension or medical boards to leave the job, statistics from the NYPD show,” according to the Newsday report.
Incidentally, those “major crime challenges” are the product of city governance closing jails, putting violent miscreants back on the streets, and coddling them with free goods/services…generating new victims wherever they go, often in broad daylight. There are many such shootings in what has become known as the “broad daylight blitz.” Shooting after shooting, NYPD cops respond and do their best against the currents of anti-police waves.
It’s nothing we haven’t seen coming; the time has arrived. And the anti-cop barkers offer no indication of a time-out or truce (attempts to understand one another) so that the city can regroup, bolster, and better serve their constituents. No, the voices of hatred show little fatigue, both law-abiding citizens and cops paying the price.
Heck, even in NYC schools, students are being fed a diet of propaganda coloring cops as evil beings. I found a post which denounced anti-police materials provided to students by Scholastic News…amounting to nothing less than sadistic news. The Scholastic News article title “Rethinking America’s Police” is dripping with bias while baselessly accusing the law enforcement institution of “racial bias in policing.” Myopic much?
The Scholastic News piece has a subtitle which unabashedly lobs a jaded view intended to automatically poison the minds of youngsters, injecting bitterness and assertions contrary to fact-based data and studies elucidating on the racist cops myth. That subtitles reads, “As You Read, Think About… How does racism in law enforcement affect people in the United States?” As if it is an across-the-board given…while shedding neither a vowel nor consonant toward the astronomical number of great deeds and life-saving feats cops perform daily:
As one woman with an obvious twinkle in her eye stated, cops can “bring peace to the Middle East.”
There are myriad phenomenal police deeds to counter the racism-myth factories which some schools have become. I thought schools were purposed to provide varied material to students to allow them the ability (the right) to think for themselves, without being hand-held down a rabbit hole. Silly me!
The school district in New York City (five counties in total) is enormous, and the brainwashing of young minds is going on under the watch of socialist-minded Mayor Bill de Blasio and a largely liberal New York City Council (51 seats: 47 Democrats, three Republicans, one vacant vacancy) who have been accused of handcuffing their own police force.
That school detour is one among too many examples depicting cops as monsters and just bad for society—an absolute falsity. Nary a mention about the criminal elements’ complicit and irresponsible role—why cops are necessary. How interesting. Indeed, the nightmarish propaganda flows and, with truth, needs to be flushed like the toilet waste it is.
Recently, New York City-based media outlets have reported about thousands of NYPD sworn personnel departing the roughly 36,000-sworn member agency protecting/serving approximately 8.5 million residents and untold numbers who visit or traverse there for work, etc.
One of those understandably fed-up NYPD cops is P.O. Ryan Cabreja who took a police job with the Fort Lauderdale, Florida, police department. Officer Cabreja leaves his 19th Precinct family for the Sunshine State where what he has been needlessly subjected to in the Big Apple is relatively non-existent in Fort Lauderdale’s scenic coastal community. I used to work in the 19th Precinct jurisdiction and I formerly resided in Fort Lauderdale, so I know where Cabreja is coming from (more ways than one) and where he is going…and how well he’ll adapt to beach-front community—a land without the likes of a socialist mayor and liberal-majority city council openly supportive of criminals and free goods for those who would deftly and unwaveringly violate statutes.
The NYPD’s 19th Precinct command staff offered a sendoff to Officer Cabreja: “Hey Fort Lauderdale Police Department—Officer Ryan Cabreja is on his way to you, please take good care of him. Today Officer Cabreja signed out for his final time [depicted in our cover photo], before flying down to the Sunshine State to become part of Fort Lauderdale’s Finest. Ryan, stay safe, you’ll definitely be missed!”
Given these two polar opposite police departments, Officer Cabreja has undoubtedly seen it all and will be able to contribute much at his new cop gig. Conversely, Fort Lauderdale PD folks will gain a copiously seasoned cop who deserves a warm welcome in sunny environs, especially after all the nonsense he put up with, lately from his own government.
In that regard, we must acknowledge that cops do move elsewhere from time to time, whether it be because political-tied command staff making the job unnavigable or insidious and disrespectful nonsense poured on by elected leaders or the understandable reasoning having to do with poor compensation (or a fusion of these and other factors).
One law enforcement agency’s loss is another’s gain; and the NYPD has thousands looking over the fence and gazing at greener pastures…thanks to the ludicrous anti-cop climate perpetuated by Gotham’s governance (most, not all) and abject disrespect for public safety professionals.
We shall see more of this before long…since it is pure human nature to go where you are authentically appreciated for putting your life on the line.