Critical Training for Patrol Officers Amidst the Current Chaos

Putting the Brakes on De-escalation Expectations

By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D. I have to begin this article by saying I am 100% in favor of helping people calm themselves and voluntarily cooperate with law enforcement investigations and avoid more coercive methods involving the use of force. Most cops most of the time are good at calming and controlling and knowing Read more »

Cop Who Stopped Active Shooter Still in Battling DA in Court

By Steve Pomper   It’s been 15 months since a cop in Blackwell, Oklahoma stopped an active shooter and yet another follow-up is necessary to encourage continuing support for Blackwell Police Department (BPD) Lt. John Mitchell. So, here are, while not a detailed analysis, some observations of the latest goings-on, from my view in the cheap Read more »

The War on Warrior Training for Police: A Conversation with Lt. Col. Dave Grossman

By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D. Minnesota law now reads “Sec. 14. [626.8434] WARRIOR-STYLE TRAINING PROHIBITED. Subdivision 1. Definition. For purposes of this section, “warrior-style training” means training for peace officers that dehumanizes people or encourages aggressive conduct by peace officers during encounters with others in a manner that deemphasizes the value of human life or Read more »

Seattle Police Officer to Activist: I’m out

By Steve Pomper   The first thing I thought about when I saw this viral video of a Seattle cop telling a BLM activist he’d quit was, why haven’t more Seattle, Portland, New York, Minneapolis, etc. officers done this? The first answer is cops are naturally camera shy. It used to be because of things like Read more »