By Steve Pomper People either don’t think about the Second Amendment beyond guns or don’t know it applies to arms other than guns, such as bladed weapons, i.e., knives, swords, etc. That edged weapons are included as arms should be obvious, since the Framers were precise when creating the U.S. Constitution. They don’t specify firearms. Today Read more »
Marijuana Reform Theater
By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D I don’t know what act the President is in when it comes to criminal justice reform theatre. His schizophrenic rhetoric makes it hard to pin down what he believes about justice. And perhaps that is a skill from decades as a politician that he brings to the White House. Read more »
Decriminalizing some crimes can be a good idea
By Chief Joel F. Shults, Ed.D It seems like changing crimes into acceptable behavior has been a trendy hobby among west coast legislatures. Shoplifting, trespassing, and drug possession have been decriminalized, refused prosecution, or restricted from enforcement. Possession of what used to be called hard drugs earns a ticket instead of jail in many places. Read more »