Stories abound about human smugglers scoring huge profits from meager means migrants forking over their last cent to get to America by illegally breaching our southern border. But there are no beds of roses in the unforgiving arid desert. There are pretentious promises made by greedy money grubbers whose dreamy deliverables are as empty as the vast lands between here and there.
Now, imagine a toddler left to fend for itself in such a blistering climate, lacking essential means of sustenance for any chance at survival.
The life-threatening conditions are well known by the agents of the United States Border Patrol, and that is why they are out there, using all manner of equipment and strategies to salvage those who find themselves duped and deserted.
On November 7, 2023, a group of Border Patrol agents in varying modes of transport detected a smuggling operation and deployed as usual. From the US Border Patrol press room:
“On November 7, 2023, USBP Agents assigned to Air and Marine’s National Air Security Operations Center (NASOC) in San Angelo [Texas] were supporting Del Rio Sector Horse Patrol agents with a group of illegal migrants that were evading capture. NASOC agents used their aircraft-mounted radar systems to track the group as they ran when they observed one subject stop & take a child off their shoulders. The subject abandoned the child and continued running away to the brush.
“Agents diligently kept a visual of the child to ensure she would not be lost, as they guided the Horse Patrol Unit to the location of all subjects, including the child. Horse Patrol members carried the child on horseback to safety.”

(Photo courtesy of the U.S. Border Patrol.)
Imagine the psyche of a child who is presumably familiar with a grown adult carrying her upon his shoulders…then abruptly disowning her at the first sniff of federal law enforcement officers trying to right wrongs.
Those who scatter like roaches upon being detected…cling to the hope of making it to United States soil so desperately that they selfishly shed a little girl to enable their unlawful activities, all of which are invariably influenced by the same federal government figureheads that employ agents perilously trying to decrease it.
A commenter whose social media handle is “Field Patrol Agent” echoed what many of us already know (and certain politicians decline to admit): “Nothing new to a BPA… Sad reality that they deal with on the regular.”
For good reason, USBP agents not only try to curtail the incursions but also come trained and equipped to facilitate first aid, effectively doubling as EMTs. In the following instance, they pulled a floating “face-down” illegal border crosser from the river separating the US from Mexico…

(Photo courtesy of the US Border Patrol.)
On October 25, 2023, “…another life was saved by the men & women of the U.S. Border Patrol!
“Eagle Pass South [Texas] agents found an unresponsive subject floating face down in the Rio Grande River. Springing into action, they immediately performed a rescue & began CPR, successfully resuscitating the subject. Another person alive today because of our heroes in green.”
Makes one question the conscience of the wayward politicians under whom these heroes feverishly work to secure our country…
Secretary of Homeland Insecurity
It is unceasingly frustrating to listen to any hearings during which United States Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas repeatedly skirts direct queries regarding the abysmal border breach while also fibbing with statements such as “The border is secure.”
If that were the case, the US Border Patrol media sites would likely show nothing but imagery of tumbleweed. Instead, it glaringly shows the rampancy of migrants navigating (some perishing) toward our sovereign demarcation.
Everything publicly available through various sources contradicts his story. Each of his fairy tales is a slap to the face of selfless Border agents risking their lives to save people from perishing in unforgiving terrain, misguidedly following the smoke signals of elected officials endorsing criminal invasions of America.
This, despite lying to the faces of congresspersons wise to the charade that that same federal government administration is fanning the chronic incursion and handing out free stuff…essentially aiding and abetting illegals and providing resources at taxpayers’ expense. Nothing new, just much more of the same. Vote. Them. Out!
An outspoken voice on the Hill, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has been blunt concerning Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas who, despite having seeing eyes and functioning ears, claims “the border is secure.”
The congresswoman is seeking impeachment proceedings of Mr. Mayorkas.

(Photo courtesy of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene.)
“The privileged resolution — which requires swift action — accuses Mayorkas of ‘willful admittance of border crossers’ and says he has a duty to protect the U.S. from an ‘invasion,’” the congresswoman wrote.
Seems Mr. Mayorkas thinks we prefer bull dung over facts.
It is mindboggling to learn all the illegal activity of myriad kinds occurring before, at, and beyond our southern border. Seems smooth-talking bureaucrats think we do not verify his statements with what his very own agency and its different law enforcement agencies publicize.
For example, the US Border Patrol has a daily knack for publishing stats regarding tons of encounters with illegals and cartels and smugglers, including any given day’s assaults/injuries of Border Patrol agents fighting the good fight under harsh conditions and a gargantuan field of dangerous operations involving desperate people.
Per the Border Patrol data, “there were 825 assaults reported against our agents” in fiscal year 2023.
From Southern Scorch to Northern Tundra
It is not just at the southern border that our federal agents are combatting the come one, come all conditions created by politicos fancying handsome salaries and air-conditioned fiefdoms secured by…more federal law enforcement officers.
Border Patrol agents assigned to guard our northern flank (Canadian border) have also encountered and saved children and moms (presumably) toting them through mounds of snow and blustery weather, the kind that can easily take lives if not somehow detected and saved by cops.

(Photo courtesy of the US Border Patrol.)
According to a U.S. Border Patrol press release on October 31, 2023: “USBP agents near Pembina, ND rescued a mother and her 2 children, stranded in the remote terrain after entering the U.S. illegally. After enduring below-freezing temperatures for several hours, our agents brought them to safety, where they were transported to a hospital for medical evaluation.
“Everyday actions by extraordinary men & women.” That first part is shameful. The second part heralding the everyday heroic efforts of Border Patrol agents is spot on.
We close with a statement laden with kudos for our nation’s Border Patrol heroes likely feeling like salmon swimming upstream, but pushing forward nonetheless:
“Everyday heroism: In the last 72 hours, USBP agents have rescued 16 lives from imminent danger, including 2 young children. From treacherous waters to remote terrain & extreme temperatures, to locked trailers & train cars, the dangers for these people are very real. Every day, our agents risk their own lives to save them. Always have, always will.”
That was posted one week ago and stands tall…unlike a complete and formidable border wall.