By Stephen Owsinski Of the many specialized units among law enforcement agencies, most are pretty prevalent. Police boots on the ground are the mainstay warriors dealing with all manner of societal dilemmas as well as everyday innocuous interactions among the community’s citizens. Patrol is the most visible deployment of peacekeepers, operating in various modes of Read more »
By Steve Pomper If you normally only watch the mainstream media’s so-called news reporting, and you somehow stumbled onto this article, it may shock you to learn just how far civil society has fallen in places like Portland and Seattle. However, in this brave new world, a police chief telling the people of a city Read more »
By Steve Pomper Is there another profession, other than law enforcement, where more people believe they know how to do the job better than those trained to do it? If there is, I can’t think of it. That’s why I was so pleased to hear about what Chief Wendell Franklin, Chief of Police of the Read more »
By Steve Pomper We all know that in many of America’s major cities radicals have transported law enforcement to Bizarro World—that fictional DC Comics alternate universe where everything is backward. Sadly, the cops aren’t working in a fictional world. It’s all too real. Still, our world is operating backwards. District attorneys now prosecute cops for Read more »
By Stephen Owsinski As daily media propagation papers the nation with negative story after negative story about the law enforcement community, I have been a steadfast witness to the exponential stories to the contrary of mouthpieces denouncing the police profession and those who do the job. By no stretch is this a pity-party pitch to Read more »
By Steve Pomper When watching an officer involved shooting (OIS) video, many people wince and race to say the officer’s actions were wrong or what they would have done “better.” Those trained to do the job, cops, say, “that’s exactly what I would have done.” Now, an LAPD officer is being sued for doing the right Read more »
“Peaceful Protests” in Portland, OR The National Police Association (NPA) has filed a friend of the court brief asking the U.S. District Court for the District of Oregon to rule against the self-described journalists, legal observers and photographers, who have brought suit against local and federal law enforcement. The suit, filed by the American Civil Read more »
In the midst of the harassment faced by the law enforcement we sent thousands of Thank You cards signed by Law Enforcement supporters from across the country to the Minneapolis PD, 2nd Precinct, and the Portland, Atlanta, and Salt Lake City Police. The cards are a show of appreciation for their protection, their courage and Read more »
By Stephen Owsinski The drum beat regarding the social experiment of replacing cops with social workers has begun, and it is seriously flawed and lacking a main ingredient: constitutionality. To begin our analysis, it is necessary to implore the existence of social workers and the fabulous work they do for many citizens around the country. Read more »
By Steve Pomper There are two stories here. There is the straight news story about what happened, and there is the story from the perspective of one driver it happened to. I’m thinking this is one guy would never vote to defund the police. Recently, in Silverdale, Washington, on the Kitsap Peninsula, 17 miles west of Read more »