By Steve Pomper Can you think of anything crueler than ambushing and killing a person who’d stopped to help you? Unfortunately, it happens all the time—to cops. It happens all the time, but here are just three heart wrenching stories of perverted wickedness in the face of profound kindness brought to light with the recent killing Read more »
By Stephen Owsinski Indeed, our nation is in short supply of basic personal protective equipment (PPEs) for healthcare personnel as well as our first responders working the frontlines to aid a populace besieged by this coronavirus pandemic. COVID-19 is a silent, cloaked killer. Likely you have read or heard about the contention brewing over a Read more »
By Steve Pomper A story from the Gwinnett County Police Department (GCPD), as Breitbart News reported on, we just don’t see enough of, but things like this happen all the time. But that doesn’t make the cops’ kind acts any less special. According to WXIA, back on January 10th, 2020, Sgt. Nick Boney saw a woman Read more »
By Stephen Owsinski Cops are cops no matter where they patrol. As we’ve seen since 9/11, international airport police forces have a heck of a lot of ground to cover upon which throngs of travelers hastily jaunt from curb to terminal and several quick-pits in between. Imagine observing that frenetic energy of thousands of people Read more »
By Steve Pomper It’s no secret that law enforcement agencies across the country are having a tough time recruiting and retaining cops. It seems there are many reasons “no one” wants to do this job anymore. But it’s not exactly no one, and it’s difficult for most agencies but not all. There are some law enforcement Read more »
By Stephen Owsinski No doubt everyone is well aware of the upending of our American societal norms, thanks to the coronavirus pandemic. Also no doubt our nation’s law enforcement officers are really gonna have their hands full, running the gamut: From maintaining order in a society in which citizens are going to get desperate and Read more »
By Steve Pomper What happens when those entrusted to solve a community’s serious problems with crime, especially violent, are so politically and ideologically driven that they not only ignore but also reject ideas that might actually solve the problem? Rejecting resources cops could use to crush violent crime. Sadly, the answer is too often, nothing. Well, nothing Read more »
By Steve Pomper Before I begin with the CDC’s recommendations for the nation’s cops, a personal note. I’m not sure all these precedents we’re setting around the country are warranted or an overreaction (so far, the evidence seems to indicate the latter). There’s now even a mayor potentially banning selling guns and alcohol in—of all cities—Champagne, Read more »
By Stephen Owsinski Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) Master Detective Jasen Pask was promoted to Command Sergeant Major Jasen Pask recently. In addition to overseeing cases as a Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office detective in Tampa, Florida, Pesk ‘s new role as a Command Sergeant Major will have him overseeing eight battalions with the U.S. Army Read more »
By Steve Pomper Years ago, when I was a shiny new police officer, I was headed home after my watch one evening. I was driving my personal car northbound on I-5. About five miles south of my exit, I noticed a man darting into and out of traffic, with cars swerving to avoid hitting him. At Read more »