By Steve Pomper What happens to a society when fear and loathing of people so necessary to its security is born out of myth? Some people really hate cops. They listen to the anti-police activists, and they make a terrible mistake: They believe them. This is especially odd, since “civil rights” activists often say white people Read more »
By Steve Pomper One of the toughest things for America’s law enforcement officers today is anti-cop activists and their incessant “education” of the public—our impressionable youth in particular—against police. Churning out anti-police myths from anti-cop politicians, the pulpit, the media, and academia. It doesn’t seem to matter that the radical rhetoric doesn’t correlate to the statistical Read more »
By Steve Pomper Do state and local lawmakers consider the profound impact it has on law enforcement officers and agencies when they pass laws that conflict with federal law—or local laws that conflict with state laws? Regardless of their ideological motivations, lawmakers need to realize how important it is to facilitate cooperation between law enforcement at Read more »
By Sgt. Betsy Brantner Smith (ret.) Chicago police superintendent Eddie Johnson recently announced that even though he’s the “host” of the International Association of Chiefs of Police annual conference in Chicago later this month, he will not be attending the IACP speech by President Trump. Johnson states that he will not be in the audience because Read more »
By Steve Pomper Many years ago, I had a county prosecutor tell me he was not charging a suspect who’d threatened me, and other officers, with a knife, during a domestic violence incident. They chose to route him through the mental health system, which was appropriate. However, as for his reasoning, he said that was “a Read more »
The National Police Association is honored to announce that Frank Smith was selected as the September 2019 recipient of a scholarship for the International Fellowship of Chaplains (IFOC) training certification. Frank Smith received his IFOC chaplaincy certification having completed training in Lebanon, OH October 11, 2019. Frank Smith was a member of the Butler County Read more »
By Sgt. Nancy M. Dowdy Even though the public tends to see cops as merely a uniform, we are nearly as diverse as the public we serve. However, we don’t entirely mirror our communities when it comes to gender. As a woman in law enforcement, I never gave this much thought. I was never directly exposed Read more »
By Steve Pomper When is a crime not a crime? When government won’t enforce a law? Sure. But it also may as well not be a crime if someone doesn’t report it. It seems, west coast cities such as L.A., San Francisco, Oakland, Portland, and Seattle have found a unique way to lower crime rates: don’t Read more »
By Steve Pomper Ever since President Dwight D. Eisenhower coined the term “military industrial complex” in 1961, political activists have been using its paraphrase to scorn other institutions they revile. I just heard an anti-cop activist on the radio advocating for abolishing the police and the prison industrial complex. I rolled my eyes at that phrase Read more »
The National Police Association is honored to announce that Thomas Allen was selected as the August 2019 recipient of a scholarship for the International Fellowship of Chaplains (IFOC) training certification. Mr. Allen received his chaplaincy certification after completing the IFOC training in Lebanon, OH October 7, 2019. From 1993 to 2010 Mr. Allen was employed Read more »